Category: Envi

LIFE platform meeting on farms and forests confronts climate change in the Mediterranean

Representatives from LIFE projects are converging on Madrid, Spain, on 13-14 March to discuss the impact of rising temperatures on agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean. The two-day platform meeting will draw on additional expertise from EU policy makers, local authorities and stakeholders in the agro-forest sector to tackle the

Tree farms grow greener

New tree plantations could boost wood production while caring for nature and the climate. Following 20 years of planting mainly poplar monocultures in rural Italy, land owners in Verona are now testing an innovative way of growing mixed tree farms to boost their sustainability and harness valuable ecosystem services. Powered

Restored lake helps bring Denmark’s largest bog back to life

Birds and visitors are flocking back to the largest raised bog in Denmark now that its once dry lake is refilling with water. The restored lake plays a vital role in this wetland habitat. Its shallow flooding is nursing Lille Vildmose back towards a healthier ecosystem. In December last year,

Tackling illegal killing along migratory flyways

LIFE projects to conserve the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) are moving beyond its breeding grounds in the Balkans to take action along the whole migratory flyway of the species. This is also building local conservation capacity and leading to new knowledge and awareness of this highly-prized species. Powered by WPeMatico

Fine advice on air quality

By mid-March, the EU will decide whether to fine nine of its members for breaching limits on air pollution. As it considers legal action, LIFE projects present potential solutions that could help countries clean up their act. Meeting this month at the 21st European Forum on Eco-innovation in Sofia, Bulgaria,

Green List your Natura 2000 site

The International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) is inviting Natura 2000 site managers to field-test the Green List Sustainability Standard. This new standard will recognise areas that conserve nature, provide ecosystem services, and safeguard key social, economic, cultural and spiritual values. To make the cut, sites will also have to

How LIFE projects contribute to a greener and innovative industry

The second annual EU Industry Day on 22-23 February will bring hundreds of industry experts to Brussels for an update on the EU’s strategy towards industrial competitiveness and manufacturing in Europe. Speakers include no fewer than three European Commissioners, two European Commission Vice-Presidents, and the President of the European Parliament,

Keep that noise down

This month, school students from Terni, in Italy, are teaming up with academics and local officials to tackle environmental threats in everyday surroundings. Their collaboration notably addresses health risks arising from air pollution and ambient noise. As part of the LIFE-funded project Gioconda, 170 pupils met with researchers from Italy’s

New features of the LIFE Multiannual Work Programme 2018-2020

In 2018, projects applying for funding under LIFE’s sub-programme for environment will, for the first time, submit proposals through a two-phase selection procedure. The move is designed to simplify administrative steps and save applicants time. It is one among many updates set out to streamline the LIFE programme in its