Category: Envi

Vote for your favourite LIFE green city project!

You can now pick your favourite green city project and meet its pioneers at the EU Green Week 2018. The European Commission has shortlisted six finalists from among 62 best LIFE projects and will collect your vote until 25 April to determine who will bring home this year’s People’s Choice

Call open for Technical Assistance projects

The LIFE programme is now accepting proposals for Technical Assistance projects in both sub-programmes for Environment and Climate Action. These projects provide, by way of action grants, financial support to help applicants prepare integrated projects. Applications are open until 8 June 2018 at 16:00 Brussels local time. Calls for traditional,

40 000 bunnies hop off to save Iberian ecosystems

Man-made shelters in Spain and Portugal are salvaging thousands of rabbits and the ecosystems that depend on them. Wild rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) once covered the Iberian peninsula in their millions, earning Spain its name, which derives from the Phoenician for “Land of Rabbits”. Today, populations in the wild have dwindled

Open water for safer suburbs

The LIFE-GREEN4GREY project has refurbished a park in Zaventem, Belgium, transforming it into a bustling waterfront. The site now provides flood defences to communities living downstream, and a natural refuge for both wildlife and its peri-urban neighbours. Flooding presents Europe with a mounting environmental challenge. As the climate shifts, many

Of wolf and man: reconciliation across the Alps

Crowds gathered in Trento, Italy, this week to discuss coexistence between wolves and humans in Europe. The event included a 2-day specialist conference marking the end of the LIFE-funded WolfAlps project. The conference brought together some 150 researchers, policy makers and conservationists, and over 1 000 members of the public.

Farms and forests confront climate change in the Mediterranean

Representatives from LIFE projects converged on Madrid, Spain, on 13-14 March to discuss the impact of rising temperatures on agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean. The two-day platform meeting drew on expertise from LIFE projects, EU policy makers, local authorities and stakeholders in the agro-forest sector to tackle the impact

Timber rooftops reduce construction sector emissions

The University of Santiago de Compostella in Spain has constructed a 24-meter long timber rooftop whose innovative design could help cut greenhouse gas emissions from the construction sector and spread environmentally sustainable forestry practices. The so-called Gridshell rooftop that now houses a storage facility at the PEMADE Laboratory of Timber

Vote now for the European Natura 2000 Citizens’ Award

The European Commission has announced the twenty-six finalists for this year’s Natura 2000 Awards. The prize recognises excellence in managing Natura 2000 network sites and in conveying their added value to the public. The entries include 17 finalists supported by LIFE-funded projects. You can now join thousands of Europeans online

NCFF loans €15 million for green projects in Croatia

With support from the LIFE programme, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is investing €15 million in protecting Croatia’s biodiversity and fortifying the country against climate change. The EIB has provided a loan to Croatia’s public development bank HBOR to conserve Croatian ecosystems and prepare communities for global warming through bankable

LIFE Calls for Proposals to be published in 2018

Details are taking shape for the LIFE programme’s 2018 Calls for Proposals. A provisional calendar for the call for proposals publication is now available online. Please note that schedules are currently indicative and that more information will be made public closer to the publication date for each call. Powered by