Category: Envi

Making ceramics more climate-friendly

The ceramics industry is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, producing an estimated 1.84 million tonnes of carbon dioxide globally each year. A prototype kiln tested by the LIFE ECONOMICK project has shown significant improvements in energy performance. Powered by WPeMatico

Sustainable farming to mitigate climate change

A clear message emerged at the October LIFE ClimAgri workshop at the European Parliament: faced with climate change, current intensive farming practices are unsustainable. Powered by WPeMatico

EU Raw Materials Week 2018 – closing the loop on critical raw materials

Three projects funded by LIFE are forging new ways to recycle everyday products that contain critical raw materials (CRM). Recovering more critical raw materials is central to the EU’s move towards a more circular economy. Powered by WPeMatico

Innovative technologies to help deter environmental crime

Environmental and wildlife crimes are cross-border, global problems that need modern solutions. LIFE projects are using new technologies and digital platforms to help national authorities identify crimes and deter potential offenders. Powered by WPeMatico

Helping swifts and bats find a place to nest

Thousands of newly-installed nesting boxes are welcoming back swifts and bats to cities in Slovakia. Working closely with landlords, the LIFE project APUS and NYCTALUS also ensured that construction work would not occur during nesting periods. Powered by WPeMatico

Silencing underwater noise for sustainable oceans

The sustainability of our seas will be at the top of the global political agenda when the Our Ocean conference takes place next week. The LIFE programme is making a positive impact on the marine environment, with projects tackling pressures and threats identified in the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive,

Member States to benefit from quarter of a billion euros of investments in environment, nature and climate action

The European Commission has approved an investment package of € 243 million from the EU budget for projects supporting nature, the environment and quality of life in Europe’s transition to a more sustainable and low-carbon future. EU funding under the LIFE programme for the Environment and Climate Action will mobilise

¬Safer roads for Greek drivers and bears

Greece is home to Europe’s most southerly population of the brown bear (Ursus arctos). The country’s Kastoria district is an important area for the species, forming a natural corridor between sub-populations in Greece and the Western Balkans. Powered by WPeMatico

New solutions from LIFE at ECOMONDO 2018

A host of LIFE projects are at the green technologies expo, ECOMONDO, next month. They will be showcasing their solutions reduce waste, noise, greenhouse gas emissions and other harmful environmental impacts. Powered by WPeMatico

Preventing food waste benefits the environment and economy

The EU is committed to halving the amount of food waste per capita in Europe in line with UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Food savings are required across the chain, from reducing production losses to reducing the amount of food that is thrown away. Powered by WPeMatico