App Your School Training Vol. 2

It is our pleasure to announce that on the 29th May, the second national training for teachers involved in the App Your School project took part at ZUŠ Music Art in Prague. The main purpose of the training was to share more practical information about the project and the related activities. The participants received valuable information directly from the teachers who took part in the Bologna training in January 2017. They shared their experience, described the activities they had attended in Bologna and explained what they have learned there.

As part of the training, all 18 participants had the opportunity to try some tasks, specifically the so-called Tree. That means the participants were supposed to create a multiple portrayal of a tree with the use of different materials and techniques, for instance paper, wire or digital animation. At the end of the training, a discussion about the current state of art took place as the teachers from Arts School Music Art explained their lectures where they use ICT tools and support children’s creative thinking. Finally, the teachers had a brainstorming about the possible future Digital Atelier activities conducted within the project.

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