Month: March 2024

European Commission publishes evaluations of Europass and European Qualifications Framework

The results confirm the positive impact of these two key EU initiatives fostering transparency and a common understanding of qualifications and skills across Europe in the education and employment sectors. Powered by WPeMatico

VET3D – “How to Set up a Business and be an Entrepreneur?”

Podcast created within VET3D project with our hosts invites you into entrepreneurship, tells you the key aspects to think about when setting up a new business and the importance of a business plan Powered by WPeMatico

DIGITUP Meeting in Rome, Italy

On the 26th of January 2024, the Consorzio di Ricerca Hypatia organized the second Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) at the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana located in Rome. The participating partners were able to provide their insights and perspectives, which contributed to the successful outcome of the meeting. The completed development of

New rules to improve protection of workers with stricter exposure limits for lead and diisocyanates

The European Union has published new rules to further improve the protection of workers from the health risks linked to the exposure to dangerous chemicals as lead and diisocyanates. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission sets out actions to tackle labour and skills shortages

Today, the Commission has presented an action plan to tackle labour and skills shortages and proposes to work together with Member States and social partners to address these issues over the coming months and years. Powered by WPeMatico

Can displaced persons from Ukraine freely move within the EU?

A new brochure of the European Commission helps to understand whether displaced persons from Ukraine can freely move in the EU as EU workers do. The brochure has a specific focus on measures affecting employment and social security rights. Powered by WPeMatico