Day: September 24, 2022

The European Network for Silica (NEPSI) aims to minimise worker exposure to silica in several industries.

The European Network for Silica (NEPSI) is the first European multi-sectoral social dialogue agreement of its kind signed by the employers and employees organisations of 19 industry sectors. Since the previous reporting, a new sector has joined the Agreement, the plaster and plaster products manufacturers (Eurogypsum) representing 11.350 workers. The

Mensagem de video para a Conferência “O papel das RUP no futuro”

European Commission Discurso Online, 23 Sep 2022 Exmo Senhor Presidente  da Câmara de Comércio de Angra do Heroísmo, Caros Participantes, Começo por agradecer à Câmara de Comércio o convite para participar nes… Powered by WPeMatico

Participate in the JRC REGIONS2030 project on SDGs

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is inviting European regions to express their interest to contribute to the Pilot Project “REGIONS2030: Monitoring the SDGs in the EU regions – Filling the data gaps”, supported by the European Parliament. Powered by WPeMatico

Local support for SMEs urgently needed to face the energy crisis

​Access to affordable energy and raw materials, friendly business environment and the development of new skills are the most pressing challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the EU. Local and regional leaders, members of the Commission for Economic Policy (ECON) of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR),

Winners announced for the first EU Organic Awards

​​The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) awarded the prizes for the best region, city and bio-district as part of the European Organic Day. The awards were organized by the CoR together with the European Commission , the European Economic and Social Committee, COPA-COGECA and IFOAM Organics Europe to reward