Month: July 2022

New Pact for Skills partnership to boost digital skills

Today, with the support of the Commission, EU associations, companies, organisations, trade unions, universities, training providers and national federations set up a new partnership for skills in the digital ecosystem. Powered by WPeMatico

Speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the launch event of the Slovak Partnership Agreement

European Commission Speech Brussels, 18 Jul 2022 Dear Deputy Prime Minister, (dear Veronika), Dear Commissioner Schmit, (dear Nicolas), dear journalists,                                                        … Powered by WPeMatico

EU Cohesion Policy: €3.5 billion for Estonia’s economic and social development and green transition in 2021-2027

European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 Jul 2022 Estonia will receive €3.5 billion Cohesion Policy funding to support economic, social and territorial cohesion in 2021-2027 in the framework of the Partnership Agreement between the Commission and Estonia, which was adopted today. Powered by WPeMatico

EU Cohesion Policy: Commission adopts €12.8 billion Partnership Agreement with Slovakia for 2021-2027

European Commission Press release Brussels, 18 Jul 2022 Slovakia will receive €12.8 billion for the period 2021-2027 for Cohesion Policy investments to promote economic, social and territorial cohesion. Powered by WPeMatico

Cities and regions fear a massive social crisis and call for measures to finance RePowerEU as Russia continues gas supply cuts

​The ENVE commission meeting on 15 July showed that the prospect of the energy crisis is worsening as the approaching winter is a major concern for EU local and regional authorities. The severe droughts across the EU and the tragic collapse of the Marmolada glacier confirm the urgent need to

Call for abstracts: The social and labour market impact of rising prices in the EU

Researchers and academics across Europe are invited to submit abstracts of recent papers analysing social and labour market impact of rising prices in the EU, with a special focus on vulnerable groups. The selected papers will be presented by (one of) the author(s) during the Social Situation Monitor Research Seminar

Speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the launch event of the Portuguese Partnership Agreement

European Commission Discurso Fundão, 14 Jul 2022 Exmo. Senhor Primeiro-Ministro, Dr. António Costa, Exma. Senhora Ministra da Presidência, Dra. Mariana Vieira da Silva, Exmo. Senhor Ministro da Economia e do M… Powered by WPeMatico

EU Cohesion Policy: €23 billion for the economic and social development of Portugal in 2021-2027

European Commission Press release Brussels, 14 Jul 2022 Under the Partnership Agreement, concluded between the Commission and Portugal, €23 billion will be made available to support the economic, social and territorial cohesion in Portugal until the end of the decade. Powered by WPeMatico

Northern Ireland: PEACE PLUS programme will support peace and prosperity across Northern Ireland and the border counties of Ireland

European Commission Press release Brussels, 13 Jul 2022 The Commission has adopted the PEACE PLUS, a new cross-border EU programme to strengthen peace and reconciliation and cross-border cooperation between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Powered by WPeMatico