Month: June 2022

The European Parliament praises the job that local and regional authorities can do in the field of external relations

On 14 June, the European Committee of the Regions rapporteur on a Renewed partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood – A new Agenda for the Mediterranean, Vincenzo BIANCO (IT/PES), exchanged views with members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) on the role of regions in the EU strategy

Video message by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira for the Conference on the contribution of rural areas to economic, social and ecological resilience (Ecosocial Forum)

European Commission Speech Online, 14 Jun 2022 Dear colleagues, I welcome this timely conference. Recent events have proved that we cannot take peace for granted. Europe’s resilience and Europe’s open strate… Powered by WPeMatico

Video Message by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira for the ‘Forum PA Italy – The European dimension’

European Commission Speech Online, 14 Jun 2022 Caro Ministro Brunetta, Caro Presidente Fedriga, Egregio Sindaco Decaro, Egregio Sindaco Gualtieri, Cari partecipanti, cari organizzatori,  E’ un piacere essere… Powered by WPeMatico

Equality: Commission launches 2023 Access City Award for most accessible cities in the EU

Applications for the Access City Award competition are open. The Award recognises cities which have made significant efforts to become more accessible for persons with disabilities and have plans for further improvement. Powered by WPeMatico

ESF+ project in Greece fosters future young entrepreneurs

The “Know Thyself” center in Greece, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), aims to strengthen self-employment and improve the competitiveness of the local economy by training students in the skills they need to work in their chosen field, as well as on developing their entrepreneurial skills. Powered by WPeMatico

aposta – Direita Francesa Aposta Numa Campanha Local Para surpreender Nas Legislativas

Direita Francesa Aposta Numa Campanha Local Para “surpreender” Nas Legislativas aposta Casa & Decoração O Melhor Site De Apostas Para Você Avaliações Dos Apostadores Das Casas De Apostas Apostas Surf: Medina Conseguirá Chegar Nas Finais Da Wsl? Primeiro fisicamente nos comércios da Santa Casa por exemplo, mas hoje também online,

Speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the Conference ‘The Green Deal – innovation, investment and just transition’, Sofia

European Commission Speech Sofia, 10 Jun 2022 Dear President, Dear Deputy Prime Minister, Dear colleagues, I should start by thanking the organizers for the invitation to address you, which gave me the oppo… Powered by WPeMatico

Video message by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the Regional Growth Conference, Patras

European Commission Speech Online, 09 Jun 2022 Dear colleagues, Many thanks for your invitation today. Regional growth is a subject very close to my heart. So I am sorry that other commitments have prevented… Powered by WPeMatico

Nominations open for Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award

​The Mayor of Gdańsk, Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, announced the opening of nominations for the 2022 Mayor Paweł Adamowicz Award for local champions of freedom and solidarity and the fight against intolerance, oppression and xenophobia. She was speaking at the oday, at the general assembly of International Cities of Refuge Network. Powered