Day: June 4, 2022

Commission adopts €18.4 billion Partnership Agreement with France

The Commission has today adopted its Partnership Agreement with France, laying down an investment strategy worth €18.4 billion in cohesion policy funding for the period 2021-2027. The funds will also contribute to the competitiveness of the French regions, while addressing territorial disparities between rural and urban areas, notably when it

ESF+ project in Slovenia helps young people to get a second chance after leaving school

Trough the PUM-O programme, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), young adults in Slovenia took part in a ten-month course of non-formal education. PUM-O supports around 400 young people across Slovenia each year in building their skills and experiences. Powered by WPeMatico

Shorter supply chains could be key to ensuring Europe’s food security

​​As Russia’s ongoing aggression in Ukraine is putting global food supply at risk and European consumers are already experiencing a rise of food prices, many believe that Europe’s food system could be made more resilient against crisis by investing on sustainable local quality production and shortening supply chains. The European

PEFMED PLUS FINAL CONFERENCE (Split and online, 15th June 2022)

PEFMED PLUS EU Project, coordinated by ENEA and co-financed by the Interreg MED Programme, is coming to an end! It aimed at sharing and transferring PEF experiences and methods in the agrifood industry to neighboring countries of the Adriatic area (specifically, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Montenegro). The Project intended to raise awareness