Month: May 2022

New Pact for Skills partnership to bolster skills in the proximity and social economy sector

Today, with the support of the Commission, social economy organisations, impact investors, microfinance providers, ethical and cooperative banks, vocational education and training providers, as well as regions, set up a large-scale partnership for skills development in the Proximity and Social Economy industrial ecosystem. Powered by WPeMatico

TSI Annual Conference

European Commission Speech Online, 05 May 2022 Dear colleagues, It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to this Technical Support Annual Conference. I am delighted to see so many participants from all the… Powered by WPeMatico

European Pillar of Social Rights: now available in the “easy-to-read” format

The European Commission has published the easy-to-read version of the European Pillar for Social Rights and its Action Plan. Easy-to-read texts are designed to be understood by people with intellectual disabilities. Powered by WPeMatico

A new call for proposals to boost social innovation

The new call for proposals on “Social innovations for a fair green and digital transition” aims at funding 15 to 20 projects that develop and test integrated and inclusive social innovation approaches to promote a fair green and digital transition. Submission deadline is 2 August 2022. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission holds consultation with social partners on the forthcoming social dialogue communication

The consultation hearing offered an opportunity for EU level social partners to engage with the European Commission on the forthcoming initiative to promote social dialogue, and to discuss the proposals in view of the chapeau Communication on social dialogue. Powered by WPeMatico

Download this practical booklet for Ukrainian children and EU teachers – with visuals, in all EU languages

The Publications Office of the EU has created a visual booklet in all EU languages to help Ukrainian and English speakers overcome the first communication barriers. It is proving very popular in classrooms around Europe. Powered by WPeMatico

EPP Cohesion Monitoring Group: “The European Bauhaus in practice”

European Commission Speech Strasbourg, 03 May 2022 Commissioner Gabriel, Dear Andrey, Honourable members, Dear colleagues, The New European Bauhaus is built on a positive vision: a belief that the green transiti… Powered by WPeMatico

European Parliament will award “European Democracy Sites”

The European Parliament has established a new award scheme, the European Democracy Sites, run by the House of European History. For 2022, the goal is to nominate one site per member state of the European Union. The scheme will support the visibility of a historical site and its efforts to

Interventions from delegates of local and regional authorities at the final plenary of Conference on the Future of Europe

On 29 and 30 April, the Conference on the Future of Europe Plenary session met for the last time and agreed to a set of 49 proposals which include more than 300 measures on how to achieve them, across 9 topics – from European democracy to climate change via economic

The Commission’s renewed Strategy for the EU’s outermost regions puts people first and unlocks their potential

European Commission Press release Brussels, 03 May 2022 The Commission adopted today a renewed Strategy for the most remote parts of the EU, the so-called outermost regions, aiming to unlock their potential through appropriate investment and reforms. Powered by WPeMatico