Day: April 30, 2022

European employers and trade unions commit to tackle violence and harassment at work

Today the European social partners (ETUC, BUSINESSEUROPE, CEEP and UEAPME) signed a framework agreement on harassment and violence at work. The agreement aims to prevent and, where necessary, manage problems of bullying, sexual harassment and physical violence at the workplace. Companies in Europe will have to adopt a policy of

CSR Network to hold final Multi-stakeholder Roundtable on exchanging best practice in Brussels

OECD Watch, the network of 67 international NGOs working on Corporate Social Responsibility, will be holding the last of a series of four Roundtable discussions on CSR. This session is entitled “A Model for Change: Upward Harmonisation of OECD Guidelines Procedures” and will take place on June 15th. Powered by

Diversity truck tours Europe to boost the EU’s drive against discrimination

The EU’s Stop-Discrimination Truck heads off on its third EU tour tomorrow 10 August, travelling through 22 cities in 13 countries to promote equal opportunities in employment. On its four-month journey, the 30-ton mobile information platform will visit job fairs, university career days, youth festivals, and companies to raise awareness