Year: 2021

PRESS RELEASE – BLUE BIO MED launches its Mediterranean Innovation Alliance for sustainable blue economy

The event brought together policy makers, innovation actors, stakeholders’ associations, business support organisations (innovation and sectoral agencies, etc.) operating both at territorial (regional/national) and transnational levels. It attracted over 50 participants on site and many more online through remote connection. Participants had the opportunity to listen to and interact with representatives

2021 Annual Report of the Social Protection Committee now available

The annual report by the Social Protection Committee (SPC) provides an overview of the impact of the decisive action taken by Member States to protect employment, income and access to services in response to COVID-19. Powered by WPeMatico

La Titaranya SCCL crowned the Transformative Action of the Year 2021

​​2021 marks the fifth anniversary of the Transformative Action Award, which recognises ongoing or concluded Transformative Actions – inspired by the 15 pathways outlined in the Basque Declaration – that accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, in addition to spearheading the socio-cultural, socio-economic

The EU’s long-term vision for rural areas must respond to the real needs of each territory, local leaders urged

The European Committee of the Regions’ Commission for Natural Resources (NAT) met on 22 November to discuss and adopt a draft opinion on the EU Long-term vision for rural areas, which should take into account the specific needs of European territories and the differences among them. During the meeting, members

Decentralisation in Ukraine continues to enjoy strong public support

The transfer of more powers and funds to local government – coupled with specific efforts to improve efficiency, transparency, and accountability – have boosted public trust and made possible significant increases in investment in public services in Ukraine, leaders of local-government associations and city mayors told the European Committee of

Glasgow Chronicles: EU cities and regions celebrate COP26 conclusions making reference to ‘the urgent need for multilevel and cooperative action’

We are pleased to share the third edition of the COP26 Glasgow Chronicles series, bringing you a summary of the activities – and updates on the negotiations, that the members of the European Committee of the Regions delivered during the second week of COP26, the 26th Conference of the Parties

Media has a power over the public that many overlook It has altered the way people think interpret situations act and live While providing knowledge

Whatever our strengths or talent-established that’s why the the greater part of folks use a solicitor to attract up resume crafting support contracts a builder to have out structural work to their properties or places of work an accountant to minimise their tax liability and a mechanic to fix the

European Entrepreneurial Region award 2023 puts a spotlight on resilient communities

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) opens applications for the 2023 edition of the European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) award. Under the overarching theme “Entrepreneurship and resilient communities”, cities, regions and municipalities can submit strategies on how they plan to support SMEs over the next two years. The application deadline

Currency Fluctuations Review in Various Countries

This will free up your time so you can focus on the compound of your paper as an alternative of the type. Ielts Strategies And Tips – Mastering The Creating TaskrnMost people today dread the idea of crafting a scholarship software essay. They dread their GPA and SAT scores are