Month: September 2021

Call for tenders: E-learning platform

In the framework of its role as Communication Work Package leader, UNIMED – Mediterranean Universities union is looking for a provider to design, develop, implement and maintain an e-learning platform to host the “Interreg MED Academy” from October 2021 to May 2022.  The e-learning platform should be based on the

REACT-EU: €4.7 billion to support jobs, skills and people most in need in Italy

European Commission Press release Brussels, 17 Sep 2021 The Commission has granted €4.7 billion to Italy under REACT-EU to support the country’s response to the coronavirus crisis and to contribute to a sustainable socio-economic recovery. Powered by WPeMatico


As previously announced (see previous post below), this Interact initiative is a call for all Interreg programmes to share their achievements in the 2014-2020 period. 21 September 2021. The video with most votes will win the Social Media Award. The videos of the 10 finalists have been published on 16 September,

European Commission announces the New European Bauhaus prize winners

European Commission Press release Brussels, 16 Sep 2021 Today, the Commission announced the 20 winners of the ‘New European Bauhaus Awards’ and the ‘New European Bauhaus Rising Stars’. Powered by WPeMatico

EU cities and regions intensify the debate on climate action ahead of COP26

The United Nations’ climate summit is to kick off in Glasgow in less than two months. Six years after the signature of the Paris Agreement, national governments are to provide concrete answers on how they plan to meet their climate targets. As the world goes through unprecedented heat waves, fires

State of the European Union: top-down approach will stop Europe delivering on its promises and not bring it closer to people

Commenting on today’s State of the European Union speech delivered by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Committee of the Regions, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, said: Powered by WPeMatico

Quality and effective apprenticeships: Commission takes stock of Member States’ progress

The European Commission has published a report taking stock of how EU Member States are putting into practice the European Framework for Quality and Effective Apprenticeships. Powered by WPeMatico

Németh Zoltán üdvözli a Sopronba érkező Connecting Europe Expresst

A „Connecting Europe Express” a vasút 2021-es európai évének egyik legfontosabb kezdeményezése. Célja, hogy felhívja a figyelmet a vasút számos előnyére mind a személy-, mind az áruszállítási ágazatban. Ezzel az EU-nak az európai zöld megállapodás keretében meghatározott azon átfogó célkitűzését is erősíti, amely szerint a közlekedési forgalom dekarbonizációja és a