Month: September 2021

Insufficient involvement of regions and cities in delivering the national recovery plans puts their effectiveness at risk

Representatives of Europe’s local and regional authorities have again voiced their concerns over the lack of sub-national involvement in the implementation, further planning and evaluation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plans. In an opinion drafted by Rob Jonkman (NL/ECR), Alderman of the municipality of Opsterland, the European Committee of

NECSTOUR Call for tenders: MED Sustainable Tourism Handbook on EU recovery plans & ERDF regional funds

NECSTouR, on behalf of the INTERREG MED Sustainable Tourism Community, is looking for specialised consultants with whom to subcontract the mission of elaborating a “HANDBOOK ON HOW TO USE EU RECOVERY PLANS & ERDF REGIONAL FUNDS FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF TOURISM IN THE MEDITERRANEAN”. Issue date: 16th of September 2021

Local and regional authorities are key actors to promote equality in the European Union

​​In the framework of the debates that feed into the Conference on the Future of Europe, members of the CoR commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs – CIVEX – discussed on equality as a building block of European democracy. They argued that local and regional authorities play an

Engagement of regional authorities key to address inequalities in cancer prevention and cure across Europe

We must step up the fight against cancer, was the main message shared by Brigitta Sacrédeus (SE/EPP), rapporteur of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) at the Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) on Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan on 27th September. The CoR calls for a debate on how to improve

Local leaders team up with Slovenian Presidency, Commission and European Parliament to speed up EU recovery plans implementation

​​​Regional and local leaders gathered in Lipica (SI) on 24 September to discuss how to timely deliver recovery investments on the ground and avoid delays and overlapping among EU policies. Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, and Slovenian Minister of Finance, Andrej Sircelj, as well as leading members of the European

An integrated approach to migration is essential, CoR members say

Cities and regions in the Mediterranean and the EU should try to develop a more integrated approach to the provision of basic public services for migrants, senior members of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) have said. They also urged public authorities at all levels, including the EU, to

Green City Accord: 73 cities sign ambitious commitment to protect the environment

One year after the launch of the Green City Accord, the European Commission organised a ceremony to celebrate new signatories joining this flagship initiative, which reunites cities committing to ambitious environmental protection goals by 2030. The high-level signatory ceremony took place on 22 September 2021. Powered by WPeMatico

European Week of Regions and Cities 2021 – 7000+ participants have already registered!

The #EURegionsWeek 2021 will consist of 300 sessions spread over 4 days: in total, about 850 speakers will take the floor from all over the EU and beyond during 365 hours of interactive conferences, and more than 100 video clips will show stories and testimonials about concrete projects. Powered by

The Marketing Strategy of Iphone in the Smartphone Industry

But you will find continue to a substantial population of non-shoppers who failed to react to your typical promoting. Most have not viewed it still . and those people who have generally require to see it a lot of situations before they will reply. On the note of word selection:

Launch of ‘This is Europe’ podcast season 2

The podcast, especially created last year to celebrate Interreg’s 30th birthday, has the ambition to demonstrate how Interreg contributes to cultivate unity across a region with such a diverse mix of culture, language and heritage. Broadcaster Shahidha Bari brings to life the stories of collaboration and cooperation from across the continent