Porto Social Summit: all partners commit to 2030 social targets
Partners have signed up to the three 2030 headline targets set in the Commission’s European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan in a joint Porto Social Commitment. Powered by WPeMatico
Good news from around Europe
Partners have signed up to the three 2030 headline targets set in the Commission’s European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan in a joint Porto Social Commitment. Powered by WPeMatico
Tourism is the EU’s third largest socio-economic activity, representing around 10% of the EU’s GDP. The sector plays a crucial role in generating growth and jobs, but still holds untapped potential – especially in the area of smart tourism. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the tourism
To address these gaps, the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project has elaborated and applied in pelagic and coastal Mediterranean MPAs a harmonized monitoring approach for detecting the presence of macrolitter and microlitter in all marine compartments and for detecting the impact of marine litter on marine ecosystems and species.
Since the beginning of March, PANORAMED has implemented a short thematic campaign aiming at increasing awareness and understanding of mainstreaming processes in the Mediterranean region, while at the same time contributing to its streamlining in the new 2021-2027 programming period. As main results, PANORAMED has created a new Factsheet on