Day: April 30, 2021

Supporting EU recovery through better law making: The CoR’s RegHub network and the European Commission join forces

The European Commission has published a new Communication on its better regulation agenda . Building on the existing cooperation with the CoR’s RegHub network, the European Commission has put forward a number of opportunities to enhance the role of regional and local authorities to provide input in a shared effort

New EC communication on Better regulation: CoR welcomes the Commission’s willingness to cooperate more closely with local and regional authorities

The new European Commission (EC) communication on Better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws sets the scene for better law-making in the European Union and enhances the EC’s commitment to make its policymaking processes more transparent, inclusive and efficient. The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) welcomes that the

Green Deal: from the local level to the global stage

Fostering political engagement and increasing citizens’ awareness of the benefits of the transition towards climate-neutrality are two key priorities of the European Committee of the Regions’ (CoR) Green Deal Going Local working group. The CoR calls on local and regional leaders to join the new network of Climate Pact Ambassadors

The EU needs an Ocean Law with clear targets to improve marine environment

​​In this interview, Emma Nohrén (SE/Greens) answers five questions on the role of local and regional authorities in protecting the marine environment. The Vice Mayor of the Swedish Municipality of Lysekil is the rapporteur of a draft opinion which calls for a new EU law on oceans with clear targets

Co-Chairs of JCC Montenegro had bilateral meeting

On 14 April 2021, the two Co-Chairs of the Joint Consultative Committee between the CoR and Montenegro (JCC Montenegro), Roberto Ciambetti (IT/ECR) and Aleksandar Kašćelan, Mayor of Cetinje, had a bilateral videoconference meeting. Representatives of the European Conservatives and Reformers (ECR) political group in the CoR, CIVEX Secretariat, and the