Month: March 2021

Research Headlines – Les jumelages favorisent l’excellence dans la recherche sur le cancer

Si les pays ne sont pas en mesure de former un personnel de recherche de qualité, ils auront des difficultés à proposer des traitements innovants contre le cancer. Un projet financé par l’UE a permis à quatre établissements universitaires d’échanger du personnel et de partager leurs meilleures pratiques. Ces avancées

Commission proposes action to uphold child rights and support children in need

The Commission has today adopted the first comprehensive EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, as well as a proposal for a Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee, to promote equal opportunities for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion. Powered by WPeMatico

EU-wide coalition urges national governments to involve regions and cities in the preparation of post-COVID recovery plans and to avoid a “vaccine divide” in Europe

​On the eve of the European Council meeting, the #Cohesion Alliance – an EU-wide alliance of 12 000 signatories advocating for a stronger cohesion policy after 2020 – calls upon Member States to work in partnership with local and regional governments in the design, implementation and governance of national recovery

Прогнозы И Гипотезы

За последние годы индустрия онлайн-азартных игр сильно развивалась. Предполагалось, что перемещение азартных игр в законную область и под контроль государства позволит отсеять недобросовестные компании и привлечь инвестиции и доходы в бюджет страны. Среди преимуществ этой комнаты выделяют большое сообщество СНГ игроков, а также возможность игры в рублях. Онлайн казино Украина

Rural areas should not be left behind in the recovery plans

At the start of the “Rural Vision Week”, members of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) have expressed concern that rural areas may benefit less from the European Union’s plans to help rebuild a post-COVID-19 Europe that is greener, more digital and more resilient. The following statement, which was adopted

International Cooperation – EU and ASEAN collaborate on green manufacturing technologies

22-23 March 2021This two-day meeting will bring together businesses, innovators, policymakers and other stakeholders to discuss state-of-the-art green manufacturing technologies and opportunities for EU-ASEAN cooperation and technology transfer. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – (άρθρο στα ελληνικά) The ultimate platform to handle extreme weather events

During natural disasters, response teams need all the help they can get. The line between success and failure is often paper-thin and innovative IT solutions can make a big difference. Through beAWARE, an EU-funded project, stakeholders have access to a platform integrating high-end technologies and an entirely new approach to

Research Headlines – Zaawansowana platforma umożliwiająca reagowanie na ekstremalne zjawiska pogodowe

Zespoły ratunkowe reagujące na kataklizmy potrzebują każdej możliwej pomocy. Granica między sukcesem a porażką jest często niezwykle cienka, a innowacyjne rozwiązania IT mogą być bardzo przydatne. W ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu beAWARE powstała platforma łącząca zaawansowane technologie i zupełnie nowe podejście do zarządzania katastrofami. Ma ona poprawić bezpieczeństwo obywateli.

Research Headlines – La migliore piattaforma per la gestione di eventi meteorologici estremi

Durante le catastrofi naturali, alle squadre di pronto intervento serve tutto l’aiuto possibile. La linea tra successo e fallimento è molto sottile e soluzioni IT inedite fanno la differenza. Tramite beAWARE, progetto finanziato dall’UE, le parti interessate accedono a una piattaforma con tecnologie di alto livello e un approccio nuovo