Day: March 23, 2021

International Cooperation – EU and ASEAN collaborate on green manufacturing technologies

22-23 March 2021This two-day meeting will bring together businesses, innovators, policymakers and other stakeholders to discuss state-of-the-art green manufacturing technologies and opportunities for EU-ASEAN cooperation and technology transfer. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – (άρθρο στα ελληνικά) The ultimate platform to handle extreme weather events

During natural disasters, response teams need all the help they can get. The line between success and failure is often paper-thin and innovative IT solutions can make a big difference. Through beAWARE, an EU-funded project, stakeholders have access to a platform integrating high-end technologies and an entirely new approach to

Research Headlines – Zaawansowana platforma umożliwiająca reagowanie na ekstremalne zjawiska pogodowe

Zespoły ratunkowe reagujące na kataklizmy potrzebują każdej możliwej pomocy. Granica między sukcesem a porażką jest często niezwykle cienka, a innowacyjne rozwiązania IT mogą być bardzo przydatne. W ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu beAWARE powstała platforma łącząca zaawansowane technologie i zupełnie nowe podejście do zarządzania katastrofami. Ma ona poprawić bezpieczeństwo obywateli.

Research Headlines – La migliore piattaforma per la gestione di eventi meteorologici estremi

Durante le catastrofi naturali, alle squadre di pronto intervento serve tutto l’aiuto possibile. La linea tra successo e fallimento è molto sottile e soluzioni IT inedite fanno la differenza. Tramite beAWARE, progetto finanziato dall’UE, le parti interessate accedono a una piattaforma con tecnologie di alto livello e un approccio nuovo

Research Headlines – La plateforme ultime de gestion des événements météorologiques extrêmes

Pendant les catastrophes naturelles, les équipes d’intervention requièrent toute l’aide possible. La frontière entre succès et échec est souvent mince et les solutions IT innovantes peuvent faire la différence. Le projet beAWARE, financé par l’UE, fournit une plateforme intégrant des technologies de pointe et une nouvelle approche de la gestion

EU solidarity in action: Commission proposes €86.7 million for the recent natural disasters in France and Greece

European Commission Press release Brussels, 22 Mar 2021 Today, the European Commission is proposing a financial support of €86.7 million from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) to provide relief to the population of several regions in France and Greece hit by natural disasters in 2020. Powered by WPeMatico

Local and regional authority representatives say that they must not be pushed out of CAP management and delivery

The European Committee of the Regions has asked the Council and the Commission to fall in with the European Parliament’s positions on CAP governance and common market organisation (CMO). It asked the co-legislators to bring the CAP into line with the Green Deal objectives and to step up EU agricultural