Day: March 19, 2021

Research Headlines – Zrozumienie skutków społecznych automatyzacji

Wiele osób obawia się, że automatyzacja może prowadzić do bezrobocia i że nasze systemy edukacyjne nie są na nią przygotowane. Aby przyjrzeć się tym zagrożeniom, w unijnym projekcie TECHNEQUALITY badane są potencjalne skutki społeczne ery cyfrowej. Wyniki badania pomogą rządom w tworzeniu polityki maksymalizującej wzrost gospodarczy z korzyścią dla obywateli

Research Headlines – Inzicht in de sociale gevolgen van automatisering

Velen vrezen dat automatisering leidt tot ernstige werkloosheid en dat onze onderwijssystemen ongeschikt zijn voor het beoogde doel. Het project TECHNEQUALITY onderzoekt daarom met EU-financiering de mogelijke sociale gevolgen van ons digitale tijdperk. Met de bevindingen kunnen overheden beleid ontwerpen voor maximale economische groei voor burgers, terwijl potentiële sociale schade

Research Headlines – Comprendere gli impatti sociali dell’automazione

Molti temono che l’automazione possa portare a una grave disoccupazione e che i sistemi educativi non siano adatti allo scopo. Per questo, il progetto TECHNEQUALITY, finanziato dall’UE, esamina le potenziali conseguenze sociali dell’era digitale. I risultati potrebbero aiutare i governi a ideare politiche per massimizzare la crescita economica a beneficio

Research Headlines – Comprendre les répercussions sociales de l’automatisation

Beaucoup craignent que l’automatisation entraîne un chômage élevé et que nos systèmes éducatifs ne s’y adaptent pas. Pour répondre à ces préoccupations, le projet TECHNEQUALITY, financé par l’UE, étudie les conséquences sociales de l’ère numérique. Les résultats permettraient aux gouvernements de maximiser la croissance économique au profit des citoyens et

Research Headlines – Comprender los efectos sociales de la automatización

Se teme que la automatización pueda generar graves tasas de desempleo y que nuestros sistemas educativos no estén adaptados al objetivo. Para hacer frente a ello, el proyecto TECHNEQUALITY, con financiación europea, examina los posibles efectos sociales de la era digital. Los hallazgos contribuirán al diseño de políticas que optimicen

Six European Regions awarded for their entrepreneurial vision of a sustainable recovery

Castelo Branco Municipality (Portugal), Gabrovo Municipality (Bulgaria), Helsinki-Uusimaa Region (Finland), Madrid Region (Spain), Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (France) and Silesia Voivodeship (Poland) have been selected European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) 2021-22. Awarded by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), this label of excellence goes to regions who have demonstrated outstanding entrepreneurial foresight

Local leaders offer to support vaccine rollout and demand new measures by summer, to protect regional economies

EU local and regional governments have warned of the catastrophic impact not opening borders by the summer would have on regional economies. During a debate with the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides , members of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) said that the EU

Dombrovskis joins local authorities’ call on national governments to better involve regions and cities in preparation of national recovery plans

The results of a recent consultation carried out by CoR and CEMR highlight that many EU governments are excluding regions and cities from the preparation of post-COVID recovery plans. Regional and local leaders brought their concerns to the attention of the European Commission’s Executive Vice-President for an Economy that Works

Renovation Wave: CoR and EU Commission launch cooperation to boost building overhaul

The European Committee of the Regions and the European Commission launched today a cooperation to accelerate the overhaul and decarbonisation of EU building stock. The potential for new jobs, energy savings and the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions makes the EU’s building “Renovation Wave” a key driver to build