Day: March 18, 2021

Research Headlines – Helping tuberculosis patients quit smoking improves treatment outcomes

Using behavioural support to encourage people with tuberculosis to give up smoking can help to reduce the burden of the disease in some South Asian countries worst affected by the disease. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Helping policy-makers understand how to tackle TB effectively

Tuberculosis (TB) kills 3 000 people every day and over 1 000 people fall sick with TB each hour. One EU-supported project is finding and treating cases of TB in Nepal and Vietnam to try and accelerate progress towards eradication. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Nowe narzędzia pozwolą podmiotom zarządzania kryzysowego poprawić skuteczność swoich działań

Sprawne reagowanie na kataklizmy wymaga intensywnych szkoleń, skutecznych technologii i niezawodnych strategii. Zaprojektowane przez twórców unijnego projektu DRIVER+ jedyne w swoim rodzaju środowisko testowe oraz pakiet rozwiązań spełniają te oczekiwania. Wyniki testów prowadzonych w czterech europejskich krajach są niezwykle obiecujące i przełożą się na poprawę bezpieczeństwa obywateli. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Strumenti per migliorare l’azione degli operatori

Reagire in modo efficiente alle catastrofi naturali richiede un’ampia formazione, tecnologie efficaci e strategie collaudate. Il progetto finanziato dall’UE fornisce i mezzi idonei, grazie a un banco di prova e un portafoglio soluzioni straordinari. Gli studi condotti in quattro paesi europei si rivelano già molto promettenti e contribuiranno a garantire

Research Headlines – Un nouvel ensemble d’outils aide les acteurs de la gestion de crise à passer à la vitesse supérieure

Pour réagir efficacement aux catastrophes naturelles, il faut une formation approfondie, des technologies et des stratégies efficaces. Le projet DRIVER+ financé par l’UE fournit les moyens de parvenir à cela, grâce à son banc d’essai et son portefeuille de solutions unique. Les essais menés dans quatre pays européens sont très

CoR High Level Group on European Democracy holds its first meeting to support local leaders’ contribution to the Conference

The High Level Group on European Democracy of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), chaired by the first President of the European Council and former Prime Minister of Belgium Herman Van Rompuy, held today its first meeting. The group will contribute to the CoR`s work on the Conference on

Strengthening European supply of critical raw materials is vital for Green Deal and resilience of key industries

​​The Action Plan for Critical Raw Materials presented by the European Commission in September 2020 is subject to an opinion which will be discussed by local and regional leaders during the plenary of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) on 18 March. Many European key industries, especially those involved

Local authorities to Charles Michel – Future of Europe conference must strengthen EU democratic model and reinforce Europe

The European Committee of the Regions welcomed the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, to its #CoRplenary on 17 March. Charles Michel presented his vision on the role of local and regional authorities in Europe’s recovery and democracy. He also exchanged views on Europe’s future with the Members of

Third edition of the Mediterranean Climate Change Adaptation Awards is open

The Mediterranean area is the second-most impacted area by climate change after the Arctic. The consequences will be disastrous in the years to come: drop in the availability of freshwater, decrease in food security, increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather events, temperature increase, etc.  Cities and rural