Day: March 11, 2021

European Innovation Council – Coronavirus: EU support to innovators yields promising results one year on

In the past year, the Commission has invested €226 million through the European Innovation Council pilot and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology to support innovative start-ups, small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and projects to develop solutions in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing crisis. Many

Research Headlines – Motoarele cu ardere internă au un viitor luminos datorită aprinderii cu laser

Până să devină practice și tuturor accesibile mașinile electrice și alte inovații energetice, va mai fi larg folosit motorul cu ardere, rezultând astfel emisii de gaze cu efect de seră. În sprijinul reducerii poluării, o echipă de cercetători finanțată de UE a elaborat noi tehnologii de aprindere cu laser care

Research Headlines – Zapłon laserowy początkiem nowej ery silników spalinowych

Silniki spalinowe, z których użyciem wiąże się emisja gazów cieplarnianych, będą używane, póki samochody elektryczne i inne innowacje nie staną się praktyczne i przystępne cenowo. Zagadnieniem tym zajęli się naukowcy, którzy otrzymali dofinansowanie ze środków UE, w ramach którego opracowali nowe techniki zapłonu laserowego, które mogą zwiększyć efektywność energetyczną silników

Research Headlines – L’accensione laser inaugura una nuova era per i motori a combustione

Finché auto elettriche e altre tecnologie verdi non diventeranno pratiche e convenienti per tutti, si continueranno a utilizzare i motori a combustione interna, con conseguenti emissioni di gas serra. Per contribuire a ridurre i livelli di inquinamento, ricercatori finanziati dall’UE hanno sviluppato tecniche di accensione laser per rendere i motori

Research Headlines – L’allumage par laser marque le début d’une nouvelle ère pour les moteurs à combustion

Le moteur à combustion interne perdurera, avec les émissions de gaz à effet de serre associées, tant que les voitures électriques et autres innovations économes en énergie ne seront pas plus pratiques et abordables. Pour aider à réduire les niveaux de pollution, des chercheurs financés par l’UE ont conçu des

Critical raw materials and their role in the future of Europe

In September 2020, the European Commission published anAction Plan on Critical Raw Materials which is subject to an opinion drafted byIsolde Ries . The Commission classifies raw materials as critical if they are of crucial economic importance but cannot be reliably and sustainably extracted within the EU. The EU is

President Tzitzikostas: Statement on the Joint Declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe

Today’s signature is an important step in our shared effort to bridge the gap between the European Union and our people living in regions, cities and villages. The European Committee of the Regions stands ready to sign the Declaration on behalf of all 1 million locally and regionally elected leaders