Month: March 2021

Interact’s lobbying course : learn how to boost your project’s results!

Most of the time lobbying seems more complicated than it really is. For that matter, Interact launched a new online course to help Interreg share results, and to identify who, at an EU policy level, is likely to be interested in them. Their 90 minute online course will give you

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European Innovation Council – EU-funded researchers develop potential new treatment against SARS-CoV-2

European researchers have developed a promising second generation antibody that is effective in neutralising the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variants, which could be used in both prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Powered by WPeMatico

Cities and Regions Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals – A CoR/OECD survey

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and the Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development (OECD) invite representatives of local and regional authorities across Europe to participate in a survey on the Sustainable Development Goals. The consultation is open until Friday 15 May 2021. Powered by WPeMatico

Turkey has “moved further away” from rule of law, says senior local EU politician

Ahead of an important discussion on Turkey at the European Council on 25-26 March, the chairman of the Working Group on relations with Turkey of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) has emphasised that all countries seeking EU membership must abide by rule-of-law principles. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Partnerstwo a jakość badań naukowych nad rakiem

Bez odpowiedniego wykształcenia naukowcy nie są w stanie opracowywać innowacyjnych terapii nowotworów. Unijny projekt umożliwił wymianę kadry naukowej i najlepszych praktyk między czterema instytucjami akademickimi, co rozwinęło kariery naukowców i zaowocowało grantami badawczymi. Naukowcy będą mogli rozszerzyć swoje badania nad terapią nowotworów, co przyniesie korzyści obywatelom. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – El hermanamiento fomenta la excelencia en la investigación oncológica

Si los países no forman científicos cualificados, les costará dar tratamientos antineoplásicos innovadores. Un proyecto con financiación europea permitió a cuatro instituciones intercambiar personal y mejores prácticas, lo que creó promoción profesional y solicitudes de subvenciones satisfactorias. Los ciudadanos se beneficiarán de las mejoras de las habilidades de los científicos

Research Headlines – Partnerschaften steigern Exzellenz in der Krebsforschung

Können Länder kein hochqualifiziertes Forschungspersonal ausbilden, so werden innovative Krebsbehandlungen zur Herausforderung. Ein EU-finanziertes Projekt brachte vier akademische Einrichtungen zum Austausch von Personal und Verfahren zusammen, was berufliche Aufstiege und Forschungsförderung verbesserte. Forschende können so ihre Fähigkeiten erweitern und die Krebsbehandlung vorantreiben. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Il gemellaggio favorisce l’eccellenza nella ricerca sul cancro

Senza personale di alto livello, si faticherà a offrire trattamenti oncologici innovativi. Grazie a un progetto finanziato dall’UE, quattro istituzioni accademiche hanno scambiato il personale e condiviso le migliori prassi, favorendo promozioni e l’approvazione di domande di sovvenzione per la ricerca. Ciò rafforzerà le competenze dei ricercatori per far progredire