Month: February 2021

Research Headlines – Graphene spiced-up anaerobic digestion substantially increases biogas production potential

In nature, bacteria take care of breaking down organic matter from plants and animals. This unique capacity is called anaerobic digestion and has the potential to revolutionise the way we produce energy. But it suffers from two major drawbacks, both of which the EU-funded DIET project set out to overcome.

Benefits of EU’s new Mediterranean agenda “must reach beyond capitals”

The European Union’s new agenda for its partnership with its southern neighbours has won the support of local and regional politicians from across the Mediterranean region and the EU – but they have insisted that that the “cooperation benefits must reach beyond the capitals” and must reduce, not increase, the

EuroPCom 2021: call for proposals is open!

The call for proposals for EuroPCom 2021 is now open. The conference will be planned as a digital event taking place on 8-9 November 2021. Send your proposals or comments via email by 31 March! EuroPCom organisers are also looking for proposals from applicants who are interested in setting up

Young Albanian entrepreneur wins Mediterranean award

Erilda Krasi of 1001 Albanian Adventures, a tour operator based in the city of Berat, has won the third ARLEM Young Entrepreneurs Award, beating contenders from nearly two dozen other young, small businesses from around the Mediterranean. Powered by WPeMatico

Results of the 4th call for Modular projects

The Steering and Monitoring Commitees of the Interreg MED Programme approved 8 projects on Monday 22nd February 2021 out of 11 applications received.  All Lead Partners will shortly receive their notification letter by email and by post. The Lead Partners from the projects that have been approved will soon be

Research Headlines – [EL] Resilient cybersecurity solutions for European businesses

[EL] While information technologies have opened up new business opportunities, they have also left companies exposed to new threats. Smaller companies in particular are often ill-prepared to defend against cyberattacks. An EU-funded project has developed new tools to help businesses, and by extension citizens, protect themselves better and have made

Research Headlines – Odporne cyber zabezpieczenia dla europejskich firm

Dzięki technologiom informacyjnym firmy zyskały nowe możliwości biznesowe, ale wraz z nimi pojawiły się nieznane wcześniej zagrożenia. Na cyberataki podatne są przede wszystkim mniejsze przedsiębiorstwa. W ramach finansowanego ze środków UE projektu opracowano nowe narzędzia, które zapewnią firmom, a tym samym obywatelom, lepszą ochronę. Rozwiązania te udostępniono na prostej w

Research Headlines – Soluzioni resilienti di sicurezza informatica per le aziende europee

Sebbene le tecnologie dell’informazione abbiano aperto nuove opportunità commerciali, hanno anche esposto le aziende a nuove minacce. Le aziende più piccole sono spesso impreparate contro gli attacchi informatici. Un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha sviluppato e messo a disposizione su una piattaforma intuitiva nuovi strumenti per aiutare le aziende, e dunque

Research Headlines – Des solutions de cybersécurité résilientes pour les entreprises européennes

Les innovations informatiques ont ouvert des perspectives commerciales, mais ont aussi exposé les entreprises à de nouvelles menaces, surtout les PME, souvent mal préparées aux cyberattaques. Un projet financé par l’UE a développé de nouveaux outils pour aider les entreprises, et par extension les citoyens, à mieux se protéger, et