Day: February 18, 2021

Bioeconomy – New High Level Expert Group to assess need for an International Platform for Food Systems Science

Today, the European Commission (EC) launches a High Level Expert Group (HLEG), whose mandate is to assess the needs, options, impacts and possible approach for an International Platform for Food Systems Science (IPFSS). In particular, this Expert Group will address gaps in the provision of food system science and evidence,

Health research and innovation – EU to invest €150 million for research to counter coronavirus variants

Today, the Commission presented a Communication for the proposed launch of a European bio-defence preparedness programme called “HERA Incubator” to address the emerging threat of coronavirus variants. Plans include important new research investments, mobilising an additional €30 million from Horizon 2020 to be complemented by a further €120 million from

Research Headlines – Rewolucyjny sposób leczenia zespołu krótkiego jelita

Zespół krótkiego jelita jest nieuleczalnym schorzeniem. Pewien unijny projekt ma jednak na celu zmianę tego stanu rzeczy dzięki stworzeniu funkcjonalnego jelita cienkiego z wykorzystaniem komórek lub tkanek danego pacjenta. Może to znacząco poprawić szanse przeżycia oraz jakość życia chorych. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Un modo rivoluzionario di trattare la sindrome dell’intestino corto

La sindrome dell’intestino corto è un disturbo medico senza cura e con opzioni di trattamento limitate. Un progetto finanziato dall’UE intende cambiare ciò creando un intestino tenue funzionale con le cellule o il tessuto del paziente. Il risultato racchiude il potenziale per migliorare notevolmente le probabilità di sopravvivenza e il

Research Headlines – Un moyen révolutionnaire pour traiter le syndrome du grêle court

Le syndrome du grêle court est un trouble médical sans remède connu et aux options thérapeutiques limitées. Un projet financé par l’UE entendait toutefois remédier à cette situation en créant un intestin grêle fonctionnel à l’aide des cellules ou du tissu des patients. Le résultat pourrait améliorer considérablement les chances

The European Pillar of Social Rights must “become part of the EU’s DNA”

​​Regions and cities are looking forward to the presentation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights on 3 March. It should send a strong message to the Heads of State and Government gathering in Porto on 7-8 May to step up their ambitions

Call for carbon footprint compensation projects

The Terms of reference are addressed to fund a Carbon Footprint Compensation project able to develop a methodology for calculation of the carbon footprint of MED projects and promotion of good practices in carbon offsetting. The scope of the work will be to deliver a methodology able to support any