Month: January 2021

Research Headlines – Nuevas técnicas reducen el riesgo de enfermedades oculares asociadas a la edad

Con la esperanza de vida en alza, cada vez más gente corre el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades oculares asociadas a la edad que causarían ceguera. La clave para tratarlas y controlarlas es entender los factores de riesgo. Un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos desarrolló herramientas que pueden predecir la probabilidad

Research Headlines – New techniques help decrease the risk of developing age-related eye disease

With life expectancy on the rise, more and more people are at risk of developing age-related eye diseases that could cause blindness. The key to treating and managing such diseases is to understand the risk factors involved. To help, one EU-funded project has developed tools that predict not only how

Research Headlines – The sustainability sandbox: test your scenarios!

What, exactly, will it take to transition to a low-emission society? Where can we make improvements? Will they be sufficient? How do the options combine? EU-funded researchers have produced a website where users can mix and match possible solutions and explore how these choices play out across key areas. Powered

EIB Group and Committee of the Regions reinforce their long-standing cooperation

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) and EIB Group have renewed and reinforced their long-standing cooperation today with the adoption of a new joint Action Plan for cooperation in 2021 . Powered by WPeMatico

A new consultation warns: many EU governments are excluding regions and cities from the preparation of post-COVID recovery plans

The CoR-CEMR work points out that only a few countries took on local-regional authorities’ input, thereby threatening the successful implementation of the Recovery Plan for Europe. The results of the joint consultation were presented during the meeting of the Commission for Economic Policy (ECON) of the European Committee of the

Agriculture after COVID-19: agroecology responds to our environmental and food security challenges

​In this interview, Guillaume Cros (FR/Greens), rapporteur for a draft opinion on agroecology scheduled for adoption on 3 February 2021 at the plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions, answers four questions on this environmental and social approach, which aims for agriculture in nature rather than in spite

Agriculture after COVID-19: agroecology responds to our environmental and food security challenges

​In this interview, Guillaume Cros (FR/Greens), rapporteur for a draft opinion on agroecology scheduled for adoption on 3 February 2021 at the plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions, answers four questions on this environmental and social approach, which aims for agriculture in nature rather than in spite

Cities, villages and regions strengthen cooperation with the European Commission to bridge the digital divide in Europe

​The 2021 Broadband Platform kick-off meeting underlined that digitalisation and digital connectivity must be a top priority for local communities in their recovery from the pandemic. Powered by WPeMatico

The New European Bauhaus seeks Partners

Bridging between the world of science and technology and the world of art and culture, the New European Bauhaus focuses on connecting living spaces to the ambitions of the Green Deal. As of January 2021, the first phase is dedicated to the Design of the initiative which will materialise and

Research Headlines – Looking into the links between climate and development policies

The EU project CD-LINKS has helped to join the dots between climate change mitigation and sustainable development policies by creating a network of research experts in a wide range of relevant topics across the globe. Powered by WPeMatico