Year: 2020

Commission welcomes the political agreement on the Common Provisions Regulation for shared management funds

European Commission Press release Brussels, 02 Dec 2020 The Commission welcomes the political agreement reached last night between the European Parliament and EU Member States in the Council on the Common Provisions Regulation (CPR) for shared management funds, including for the EU cohesion policy funds. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Poznać tajemnice czarnych dziur

Jaką rolę odgrywają ogromne czarne dziury w ewolucji galaktyki? Zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu postanowił odpowiedzieć na to pytanie, wykorzystując zaawansowane teleskopy rentgenowskie, by bliżej przyjrzeć się tym tajemniczym ciałom niebieskim. Ich ustalenia w ogromnym stopniu poszerzają naszą wiedzę na temat wszechświata. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Svelare i misteri dei buchi neri

Qual è il ruolo, se esiste, svolto dai buchi neri massicci nell’evoluzione di una galassia? Per scoprirlo, un progetto finanziato dall’UE ha impiegato telescopi a raggi X estremamente avanzati per osservare più da vicino questi misteriosi corpi celesti. Ciò che ha scoperto amplia notevolmente la nostra comprensione dell’universo. Powered by

Research Headlines – Déchiffrer les mystères des trous noirs

Quel rôle, si tant est qu’il y en ait un, les trous noirs massifs jouent-ils dans l’évolution d’une galaxie? Pour le savoir, un projet financé par l’UE a utilisé des télescopes à rayons X très avancés pour étudier de plus près ces mystérieux corps célestes. Ses découvertes ont considérablement renforcé

Research Headlines – Desvelar los misterios de los agujeros negros

¿Qué papel desempeñan los agujeros negros masivos en la evolución de una galaxia? Con el fin de averiguarlo, un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos utilizó telescopios de rayos X muy avanzados que permiten observar más de cerca estos misteriosos cuerpos celestes. Sus descubrimientos amplían enormemente nuestro conocimiento sobre el universo.

Research Headlines – Unravelling the mysteries of black holes

What role – if any – do massive black holes play in the evolution of a galaxy? To find out, an EU-funded project used highly advanced X-ray telescopes to get a closer look at these mysterious celestial bodies. What they discovered greatly expands our understanding of the universe. Powered by

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She mentioned that she usually did a fast glance and almost never browse overall plans, but was so captivated by the opening Government Summary that she requested me to hold out although she completed reading through. She instantly agreed to forward it to the SBA representative for acceptance. That was

Research Headlines – Firm ground for platform advancing offshore renewable energy

Wind, wave, tidal – there is plenty of energy to harvest at sea, and plenty of room for innovation to tap this potential for greater sustainability contributing to a key sector in the European Commission’s Green Deal. Test sites from several countries have joined forces to strengthen Europe’s position at