Year: 2020

Research Headlines – Inteligentniejsze podejście do kwestii cyberbezpieczeństwa

Bezpieczeństwo w sieci (inaczej „cyberbezpieczeństwo”) to jedna z najważniejszych kwestii, które firmy muszą brać dziś pod uwagę. Większość dostępnych obecnie rozwiązań jest jednak droga i nieskuteczna. Aby to zmienić i chronić firmy – a w efekcie także obywateli – finansowany przez UE projekt proponuje nowe podejście uwzględniające dostęp do informacji

Research Headlines – Un approccio più intelligente alla sicurezza informatica

La sicurezza online, o sicurezza informatica, è una delle maggiori sfide per le aziende. Tuttavia, quasi tutte le soluzioni sul mercato sono costose e piuttosto inefficaci. Per cambiare la situazione e proteggere meglio le aziende e, quindi, i cittadini, un progetto finanziato dall’UE adotta un nuovo approccio al problema impiegando

Research Headlines – Une approche plus intelligente de la cybersécurité

La sécurité en ligne («cybersécurité») est un défi majeur pour les sociétés. Hélas, la plupart des solutions actuellement sur le marché sont très coûteuses et plutôt inefficaces. Pour remédier à cela et mieux protéger les sociétés et les citoyens, un projet financé par l’UE adopte une nouvelle approche qui tient

Research Headlines – Un enfoque más inteligente de la ciberseguridad

La seguridad en línea (conocida como «ciberseguridad») es uno de los mayores desafíos a los que se enfrentan las empresas, pero la mayoría de soluciones en el mercado son muy caras y poco efectivas. Para cambiar esto y aumentar la seguridad de las empresas y los ciudadanos, un proyecto financiado

Research Headlines – Deepening our understanding of Europe’s coastal waters

The ocean plays a vital role in our lives, both environmentally and economically. In order to protect this precious resource, EU-funded research is helping to deepen our understanding of the interlinking factors impacting Europe’s coastal waters. Powered by WPeMatico

#CohesionAlliance – News bulletin – Nov 2020

​​​The current EU budget and recovery plan impasse, the ongoing trilogue negotiations on the cohesion policy package 2021-2027 and the need to establish cohesion as a fundamental value for rural areas are keeping the demands of the #CohesionAlliance relevant. It is time for another push! Powered by WPeMatico

Public consultation on sustainable blue economy open for contributions until 7 December 2020

​The European Commission started a public consultation in October​. The goal is to aid economic recovery and tackle climate change, by promoting sustainable products and services – e.g. marine renewable energy – that preserve the marine environment and maintain ocean health.​ ​The online feedback form is open and the EC

Safety net for citizens in the fight against the Covid-19 crisis

​​With over 11 million infected people and more than 270,000 dead in Europe the pandemic crisis highlighted the essential role of all regional, intermediate, and local authorities in delivering public services as close to citizens as possible. They manage all the necessary sanitary actions at the local level such as

Research Headlines – Innovative data analysis to cut urban traffic congestion

Road congestion in cities reduces mobility. An EU-funded project integrated multiple sources of data to improve urban traffic flows, with the active engagement of citizens, to deliver tools to achieve more efficient and cleaner transportation. Powered by WPeMatico