Day: November 6, 2020

Research Headlines – Sprawniejsza proteza ręki

Utrata ręki prowadzi do niepełnosprawności, co wiąże się z pogorszeniem jakości życia, mniejszą niezależnością i mobilnością. Protezy ręki dostępne obecnie na rynku zapewniają jedynie szczątkowe czucie i ograniczony zakres ruchu. Dzięki finansowanemu przez UE projektowi, w ramach którego powstają narzędzia do budowy bardziej naturalnej protezy ręki, ten stan rzeczy może

Research Headlines – Costruire una mano protesica migliore

Perdere una mano è invalidante e ha effetti negativi su qualità di vita, indipendenza e mobilità. Ma la maggioranza delle mani protesiche sul mercato offre sensibilità e gamma di movimento limitate. Ciò potrebbe presto cambiare, grazie a un progetto finanziato dall’UE che sta creando gli strumenti necessari a costruire una

Research Headlines – Fabriquer des prothèses de main plus réalistes

La perte d’une main est un état invalidant qui affecte la qualité de vie, l’indépendance et la mobilité; malheureusement la plupart des prothèses commercialisées ne permettent que des sensations et des mouvement limités. Or, un projet financé par l’UE travaille sur des outils qui permettront de fabriquer une prothèse de

Research Headlines – Creación de una mano protésica mejor

Perder una mano es una discapacidad que merma la calidad de vida, la independencia y la movilidad. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de las manos protésicas del mercado tienen una sensibilidad y gama de movimientos reducidas. Pero esto podría cambiar pronto gracias a un proyecto financiado con fondos europeos que está diseñando

Research Headlines – Building a better prosthetic hand

Hand loss is a disabling condition that negatively affects quality of life, independence, and mobility. Unfortunately, most of the prosthetic hands currently on the market offer limited feeling and a restricted range of motion. But this could soon change, thanks to an EU-funded project that is creating the tools needed

SDGs have never been so relevant for the EU say representatives of regions, cities and the European Commission

On 21 October, the European Committee of the Regions, EUROCITIES, CEMR, PLATFORMA and Regions4 organised a workshop on the role of the SDGs in the crisis recovery. Estelle Göger, member of Cabinet of Commissioner for Economy, Paolo Gentiloni, represented the European Commission and intervened following a debate with speakers representing

Night out Hot Asian Girls Without having to be Shocked

When I first started trying to find the perfect date with Asian young girls, I was attempting to find the one away of all of the Hard anodized cookware girls in my city. I have discovered that most Hard anodized cookware girls will be shy away from people and will

Middle School Research Paper Outline Service

I improved from a rigid and judging standpoint in the direction of myself into a loving and compassionate 1. Although doing so, my interactions remodeled and turned favourable ones that give me a ton of electricity. Now, I am reliable in my associations. I delight in listening to other persons