Month: July 2020

Online Dating Comparison — How Can Online dating services Help You Find The Love Of Your Dreams?

Online dating is not a new idea, actually it has been around since the early on 1990’s and it has become most liked since then. Many people have been attracted to online dating sites because it is a whole lot cheaper than going out over a date, and it doesn’t

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Press Centre – Jean-Pierre Bourguignon appointed as interim President of the European Research Council

The European Commission has appointed Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon as interim President of the European Research Council (ERC), the EU’s funding body for investigator-driven frontier research. The mandate as ERC President ad interim will start on 27 July 2020. The new ERC President is expected to take office in 2021. Powered

Research Headlines – New technologies for safer, tastier food

Food-processing technology advances can help producers make healthier, more attractive food with a longer shelf life. To boost uptake of new methods, an EU-funded project has trialled three promising technologies under industrial conditions. Powered by WPeMatico

Science with and for Society – European Commissions supports Erasmus+ European Universities pilot with an additional 34 million from Horizon 2020

Today, the European Commission announced that the first 17 alliances of universities selected under the Erasmus+ programme will each receive a complementary EUR 2 million support from Horizon 2020. With this support, the European Universities will explore further integration and transformation in their research and innovation missions. Powered by WPeMatico

Coronavirus: EIF and European Commission launch new measures supporting micro- and social enterprises under the EUR 400m EaSI Guarantee instrument

The European Investment Fund (EIF) and the European Commission are launching new COVID-19 support measures under the EaSI Guarantee Instrument (EaSI) to enhance access to finance for micro-borrowers, micro- and social enterprises. Powered by WPeMatico

CoR SEDEC Bulletin No. 6: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected our world and our way of living, with the loss of thousands of lives and unprecedented consequences for every aspect of our daily existence. The Commission for Social Policy, Education, Employment, Research and Culture (SEDEC) at the European Committee of the Regions is preparing

Top 10 Casual Dating Sites Of 2020 – Blog by William

Best Hardcore Porn Sites is the ultimate list of the top hardcore porn websites. People are often overwhelmed by too many options, even though they may not realize it. An average Tinder user swipes on 140 profiles a day, according to a 2016 research note by Cowen and Co. A

European Innovation Council – First “Green Deal” funding from EIC awards over €307 million to 64 startups set to support the recovery plan for Europe

The European Innovation Council has awarded over €307 million to 64 game-changing ‘green deal’ start-ups and SMEs contributing to the objectives of the European Green Deal Strategy and the Recovery Plan for Europe. Winning proposals range from innovative solutions for the automotive, aerospace and maritime sectors to advanced materials or

#EU4FairWork competition open for workers and employers

As part of the first European campaign for declared work, the European Platform tackling undeclared work and the European Labour Authority (ELA) have launched a #EU4FairWork social media competition, calling on workers and employers from across the EU to share their personal stories about working declared. Powered by WPeMatico