Day: July 14, 2020

Press Centre – Commission seeks candidates for the ERC Scientific Council

An independent Identification Committee set up by the European Commission has begun the search for potential candidates for membership of the Scientific Council of the European Research Council (ERC). Nominations are accepted until 30 September 2020. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Rośliny w środowisku miejskim, czyli zielona infrastruktura dzięki robotyce

Zatłoczone miasta nie kojarzą się z ostoją dzikiej przyrody. Jednak zespół finansowanego przez UE projektu postanowił sięgnąć po rozwiązania z zakresu robotyki, żeby pomóc roślinom osiągać nienaturalne kształty, rozmiary i formy, które pozwolą im idealnie przystosować się do życia w środowisku miejskim. Może to oznaczać, że już wkrótce będziemy mogli

Research Headlines – La robotica aiuta le piante a prosperare negli ambienti urbani

Le città affollate non sono esattamente luoghi ottimali per lo sviluppo delle piante. Tuttavia, un team di ricercatori finanziato dall’UE usa la robotica per far crescere le piante nelle configurazioni innaturali richieste dagli ambienti urbani. Le città potrebbero presto beneficiare di una robusta infrastruttura verde impiegata per ogni cosa, dalla

Research Headlines – La robotique au service de la croissance des plantes dans les environnements urbains

Les villes surpeuplées ne sont pas un environnement optimal pour la croissance des plantes. Une équipe de chercheurs financés par l’UE a recours à la robotique pour aider les plantes à prendre les tailles et configurations qu’exigent les milieux urbains. Ainsi, les villes pourraient bientôt bénéficier d’une infrastructure verte utilisée

Research Headlines – Robótica para ayudar a las plantas a proliferar en entornos urbanos

Las ciudades abarrotadas no son el mejor lugar para que proliferen las plantas. Un equipo de investigadores financiados con fondos europeos emplea la robótica para que las plantas adapten automáticamente su morfología a los entornos urbanos. Así las ciudades podrían beneficiarse pronto de una infraestructura verde y robusta multiuso: desde

Implementation report on cross-border healthcare is published

The network of regional hubs has concluded its third consultation on the first and only EU Directive on the rights of patients in cross-border healthcare. Reaching out to more than 140 local and regional stakeholders active in the area of healthcare provision, this consultation has again been extensive and is

How you can Save on The Monthly Protection Payments

With the expense of insurance growing and more persons staying on the road to their very own retirement, many people are finding that there is a lot of money to get maintenance payments in their end-of-life. No one is aware when they will ought to make these payments. By making

Edu Help-Preschool Child Observation Paper Essays

In order to also give on an concept of what procedures corporations use to enhance their gains, fictitious business has been bundled with figures that are pertinent tithe automotive marketplace. rnrnThis investigation is accomplished with the appropriate exploration solutions to describe how the people try to match their qualities with