Month: June 2020

The key benefits of Using A Cultural Dating Service

Cultural online dating can be considered the best mail order bride russian 2020 match for someone that’s not so interested in the lifestyle or faith of the person of interest. This kind of dating service is becoming increasingly popular within the last few years and can be seen all

Elderly Singles Going out with – Just where Do You Find a better Senior Real love Dating Internet site?

Senior available singles online dating sites are becoming most common as people get older and do not have much time to go out and date since they function full-time jobs or carry out other things that prevent these people from heading out and getting together with new people. There is

Interest Com Review

Passion. com Review Summer 2020 We did a lot of pattern pursuit of different areas and always got here spine with a healthful list of potential appointments and fits. Passion. com has been circular since the overdue ninety’s and boasts a effective membership base of thirty-five million customers. Member Activity

Research Headlines – Wydajny i niskoemisyjny piec do wypalania ceramiki

Przemysł ceramiczny odpowiada za emisję znacznych ilości gazów cieplarnianych do atmosfery. W celu zmniejszenia dużego śladu węglowego tego sektora, zespół finansowanych przez UE badaczy i programistów wykorzystał symulację, technologię i testy, aby na ich podstawie opracować bardziej efektywny energetycznie piec do wypalania ceramiki. Dzięki temu powstał nowoczesny, niskoemisyjny piec, który

Research Headlines – Sviluppare una fornace meno inquinante e più produttiva

L’industria della ceramica è responsabile dell’emissione di una considerevole quantità di gas serra. Per contribuire a ridurre la sua vasta impronta di carbonio, un gruppo di ricercatori e sviluppatori finanziato dall’UE ha impiegato tecnologie, simulazioni e test per creare una fornace più efficiente. Il risultato è una soluzione d’avanguardia caratterizzata

Research Headlines – Développer un four plus performant et moins polluant

L’industrie céramique émet une importante quantité de gaz à effet de serre. Afin de réduire cette considérable empreinte carbone, une équipe de chercheurs et de développeurs de l’UE a recouru à la technologie, à des simulations et à des tests pour créer un four plus efficace. Il en résulte un

Research Headlines – Desarrollo de un horno menos contaminante y con una mejor producción

La industria cerámica es responsable de la emisión de una gran cantidad de gases de efecto invernadero. Para ayudar a reducir su considerable huella de carbono, un equipo de investigadores y desarrolladores de la Unión Europea utilizaron tecnología, simulaciones y ensayos para crear un horno más eficiente. El resultado es

Research Headlines – Developing a better producing, less polluting kiln

The ceramics industry is responsible for emitting a substantial amount of greenhouse gases. To help reduce the industry’s sizeable carbon footprint, a team of EU-funded researchers and developers used technology, simulations, and testing to create a more efficient kiln. The result: a state-of-the-art kiln defined by optimised energy consumption, reduced

Euronews’ Real Economy looks at the impact of the coronavirus crisis on Europe’s most vulnerable

In this episode of Real economy, Euronews looks at what impact the coronavirus crisis is having on Europe’s most vulnerable, and what the EU is doing to help them through the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD). Powered by WPeMatico