Day: June 30, 2020

Group of Chief Scientific Advisors – New scientific opinion on ‘Adaptation to climate change-related health effects’ recommends more support for resilience of the health sector

Today, the European Commission’s independent Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (SAM) published their opinion ‘Adaptation to climate change-related health effects’ which contains advice and recommendations on how the EU can help to make our societies, and in particular health sector, better prepared and more resilient with respect to impacts from

Research Headlines – Europejskie centrum badań biomolekularnych wspiera rozwój leków na COVID-19

Kiedy WHO ogłosiła pandemię choroby COVID-19, naukowcy pracujący w ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu badawczego natychmiast podjęli wyzwanie. BioExcel, jedno z wiodących europejskich centrów obliczeniowych badań biomolekularnych, niezwłocznie udostępnił swoje superkomputery oraz nowatorskie oprogramowanie. To znaczna pomoc w walce z koronawirusem dla naukowców i innowatorów z całej Europy. Powered by

Research Headlines – European biomolecular research centre supporting the development of COVID-19 treatments

When COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic by the WHO, an EU funded research project immediately stepped up to the plate. BioExcel, one of Europe’s leading centres for computational biomolecular research, gave priority access to its supercomputing facilities and cutting-edge software. This will help researchers and innovators across Europe in

Research Headlines – Ett europeiskt biomolekylärt forskningscentrum stödjer utvecklingen av behandlingar mot covid-19

När WHO förklarade covid-19 som en global pandemi, tog ett EU-finansierat forskningsprojekt genast sig an utmaningen. BioExcel, ett av Europas ledande centrum för databaserad biomolekylär forskning, gav forskare prioriterad tillgång till dess superdatoranläggningar och banbrytande mjukvara. Det kommer att hjälpa forskare och innovatörer över hela Europa i kampen mot coronaviruset.

Research Headlines – Centro europeo per la ricerca biomolecolare a sostegno dello sviluppo di trattamenti per la Covid-19

Quando l’OMS ha dichiarato la Covid-19 pandemia globale, un progetto di ricerca finanziato dall’UE ha preso in mano la situazione. BioExcel, tra i principali centri europei di ricerca biomolecolare computazionale, ha dato accesso prioritario alle sue strutture di supercalcolo e ai suoi software all’avanguardia. Ciò aiuterà i ricercatori e gli

Summary of the EER final workshop of the COSME project on Connecting entrepreneurial ecosystems

On June 22 and 23rd, the final workshop of the first phase of the project “Fostering collaboration through mapping, analysing and interlinking of European Entrepreneurial Regions” took place. Powered by WPeMatico

Update on the ongoing RegHub consultations

Despite the challenging circumstances created by the covid-19 crisis, the regional hubs have continued their work. Thanks to their resilience, the continuity of the RegHub consultations has been maintained. Here is a short overview of the ongoing consultation activity. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission reiterates its intention to step up collaboration with the Committee of the Regions

During a recent speech at a Commission workshop with national experts on “One in-One out”, Commissioner Šefčovič confirmed the Commission is stepping up its collaboration with its partners, including the Committee of the Regions, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Commission’s representations in Member States, national authorities and other

Services sector needs clear and well enforced Single Market rules

emoving unjustified obstacles to the cross-border provision of services would speed up economic recovery in Europe, the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) believes. The opinion drafted by Jean-Luc Vanraes (BE/Renew Europe), Member of Uccle Municipal Council, will be adopted in the CoR plenary session this week. Powered by WPeMatico