Month: May 2020

How to Find a Asia Girl Designed for Marriage

Some Thailänder girl with respect to marriage is different from whatever you may take into account. Some Thailänder girls are more likely to marry out of doors their lifestyle, than other folks: Thai women really are a bit more very likely to marry out in the open their culture, than

Online dating Help — Setting Goals

Whether you visit a live show together with the guys, talk in forums or watch your favorite movies with the ladies in the background, learning how to meet new people is definitely part of the fun of online dating. Whether you love to killer deal inform your friends about your

Research Headlines – Faster, more affordable vaccine purification

Generating safe antigens to induce immunity is one of several key steps in vaccine production. Purification is another, and it is typically a complex process. EU-funded researchers have designed a way to simplify the process, boost yields, limit waste and reduce costs, in a bid to help make more doses

CoR NAT Commission Bulletin No. 5: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis

CoR NAT Commission Bulletin​: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis from Committee of the Regions’ Commission for natural resources, with focus on health, food production and disaster response, from and for the European regions. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission supports Member States in their transition to a climate-neutral economy

European Commission Press release Brussels, 07 May 2020 The European Commission has approved all requests made by 18 Member States for support with the preparation of their territorial just transition plans, which each Member State will have to draw up to get access to funding from the Just Transition Mechanism.

Events – Demonstration of innovative technologies towards a more efficient and sustainable plastic recycling – polynSPIRE – 14 May 2020

Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) is pleased to announce its next live webinar on the polynSPIRE project “Demonstration of innovative technologies towards a more efficient and sustainable plastic recycling”, organised on behalf of European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and the polynSPIRE project. The live webinar will focus on recycling and redesigning the

Research Headlines – Enlisting feathered friends to fight illegal fishing

Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. An EU-funded project is helping authorities to crack down on these operations by developing the world’s first seabird ocean-surveillance system. Powered by WPeMatico

President Tzitzikostas and Minister Eichtinger back strong EU regional funds to combat the Coronavirus

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) President, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, and Lower Austria’s Minister for Housing, Labour and International Affairs, Martin Eichtinger, exchanged views on the EU’s measures to combat the current crisis, as well as and Lower Austria’s apprentice offensive during a teleconference call.​ Powered by WPeMatico

UN invites local leaders to record themselves on their work on SDGs and the Covid-19

Local2030, the initiative of the UN Secretary General on Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals, has recently launched the Local2030 Spotlight Series! Powered by WPeMatico