Day: May 28, 2020

Research Headlines – How to achieve more in funding R&I for the circular economy

New solutions are needed to make our economies more sustainable, and they are needed quickly. Research and innovation to support the transition can be funded more effectively, if the relevant programme owners develop synergies and learn from each other, say EU-funded researchers championing a coordinated approach. Powered by WPeMatico

President Tzitzikostas: EU budget and Recovery plans protect and empower regions, cities and villages as asked by the European Committee of the Regions

Commenting on the EU MFF and Recovery plan proposed by the European Commission, the President of the European Committee of the Regions, Apostolos Tzitzikostas said: “The EU budget worth €1.100bn and the €750bn Recovery Plan focus on the safety, recovery and resilience of regions, cities and villages across Europe and