Day: May 14, 2020

Research Headlines – Self-powered platform holds promise as point-of-care biosensor

A single test strip – the first platform to couple a methanol fuel cell with a biosensor – could act as a self-powered, easy-to-use, disposable, and low-cost test for diseases such as cancer, say EU-funded researchers. Powered by WPeMatico

Special 2021-2022 EER edition on Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Recovery

The devastating socioeconomic impact of the COVID-19 crisis will require a long process of recovery and rebuilding in the EU. It will lead to a paradigm shift in economic policymaking at European, national and regional level where building strong and resilient entrepreneurial ecosystems will increasingly be a priority. Support for

Follow-up of the last ARLEM Plenary: ENI CBC Med Programme launches a new call for proposals to finance capitalisation projects in the Mediterranean

​​​As already announced during the 11th Plenary of the ARLEM in Barcelona last 23rd of January, the Managing Authority of the European Neighborhood Instrument (ENI) Cross-border Cooperation (CBC) Mediterranean Programme has launched a call for proposals for capitalisation projects to foster the transfer, exploitation and mainstreaming of knowledge and results

European Entrepreneurial Region Award: Special edition on COVID-19 response

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) opens applications for a special edition of the European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) award. Under the title “Entrepreneurship for a sustainable recovery” cities, regions and municipalities can submit strategies on how they plan to support SMEs over the next two years. The application deadline