Day: May 7, 2020

Events – Demonstration of innovative technologies towards a more efficient and sustainable plastic recycling – polynSPIRE – 14 May 2020

Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) is pleased to announce its next live webinar on the polynSPIRE project “Demonstration of innovative technologies towards a more efficient and sustainable plastic recycling”, organised on behalf of European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and the polynSPIRE project. The live webinar will focus on recycling and redesigning the

Research Headlines – Enlisting feathered friends to fight illegal fishing

Illegal fishing destroys marine habitats and threatens species living at sea. An EU-funded project is helping authorities to crack down on these operations by developing the world’s first seabird ocean-surveillance system. Powered by WPeMatico

President Tzitzikostas and Minister Eichtinger back strong EU regional funds to combat the Coronavirus

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) President, Apostolos Tzitzikostas, and Lower Austria’s Minister for Housing, Labour and International Affairs, Martin Eichtinger, exchanged views on the EU’s measures to combat the current crisis, as well as and Lower Austria’s apprentice offensive during a teleconference call.​ Powered by WPeMatico

UN invites local leaders to record themselves on their work on SDGs and the Covid-19

Local2030, the initiative of the UN Secretary General on Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals, has recently launched the Local2030 Spotlight Series! Powered by WPeMatico