Month: April 2020

Sugardaddy For Your Partner – Seeking Arrangements For females

Seeking agreements for your partner is perhaps among the easiest strategies to make sure that she will be happy in her life. Many people who are engaged and getting married find it hard to understand why they need to pay for their very own honeymoon and a vacation. Most of

Health research and innovation – EU and Africa step up research cooperation to combat coronavirus outbreak

The European Union is stepping up its research and innovation cooperation with Africa in order to combat the coronavirus outbreak. The European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) is launching calls for expressions of interest to support research on the coronavirus and strengthen research capacities in sub-Saharan Africa. Three

Research Headlines – Novel silicon lasers promise semiconductor revolution

An EU-funded project is enabling efficient intra-chip and chip-to-chip communication via a new type of silicon capable of emitting light. It is demonstrating a technological breakthrough that could revolutionise the electronics industry and make devices faster and much more energy efficient. Powered by WPeMatico

Coronavirus outbreak – deadlines for European Policy Experimentations applications extended

As a result of difficulties experienced by applicants due to the coronavirus outbreak, the deadline for submission of applications to European Policy Experimentations has been extended. More information here. Powered by WPeMatico

New Circular Economy Action Plan: stakeholder’s consultation now open

Our planet is running out of resources. With global consumption expected to double in the next decades and without signs of global warming decreasing anytime soon, there is an urgent need to decouple economic growth from resource use by manufacturing products that are durable, reusable and reparable. Boosting circularity will

CoR NAT Commission Bulletin No. 2: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis

CoR NAT Commission Bulletin​: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis from Committee of the Regions’ Commission for natural resources, with focus on health, food production and disaster response, from and for the European regions. Powered by WPeMatico

CoR COTER Bulletin: COVID-19 impact and response measures

The Covid-19 pandemic has substantial repercussions on the European economies. The COTER Commission of the European Committee of the Regions prepares regular bulletins on recent research, articles and discussions on the ​impact of the pandemic in Europe and on the different response measures planned and implemented at EU, national, regional

CoR ECONomic Bulletin No. 2: COVID-19 impact and response measures

The Covid-19 pandemic has substantial repercussions on the European economies. The ECON Commission of the European Committee of the Regions prepares regular economic bulletins on recent research, articles and discussions on the socio-economic impact of the pandemic in Europe and on the different economic response measures planned and implemented at

Research Headlines – Academics and industry unite to improve dementia patients’ lives

An EU-funded project has linked scientists with experts in industry to forge partnerships aimed at creating new products to improve the lives of people with dementia. The research is creating tools to help remind people with dementia to undertake the tasks critical to their daily lives. Powered by WPeMatico

CoR NAT Commission Bulletin: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis

​​​CoR NAT Commission Bulletin​: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis from Committee of the Regions’ Commission for natural resources, with focus on health, food production and disaster response, from and for the European regions. Powered by WPeMatico