New Creative Europe Networks brochure
A new publication with information on the Creative Networks has been published. Powered by WPeMatico
Good news from around Europe
A new publication with information on the Creative Networks has been published. Powered by WPeMatico
The SEDEC Commission of the European Committee of the Regions prepared the second edition of the SEDEC Bulletin. The document includes the latest developments in the fight against COVID-19 and examples of measures at local and regional level. Powered by WPeMatico
Following the video conference of the members of the European Council on 23 April the Cohesion Alliance – an EU-wide alliance calling for a stronger cohesion policy after 2020 – calls for cohesion policy to remain a priority amid talks about the Covid-19 recovery strategy taking regions and cities needs
European Commission Press release Brussels, 27 Apr 2020 The European Commission received its first preliminary application for financial support from the EU Solidarity Fund from Italy to address the coronavirus outbreak and its effects. Powered by WPeMatico
The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) has issued guidance on coming back to work. Powered by WPeMatico
A revolutionary approach to neuro-rehabilitation developed by EU-funded researchers could help intensive care patients to recover, including survivors of the COVID-19 pandemic. Powered by WPeMatico
An EU-funded consortium is developing advanced X-ray and 3D imaging technologies to enable European miners to extract essential metal and mineral resources more efficiently and sustainably. Powered by WPeMatico
CoR NAT Commission Bulletin: Updates on the COVID-19 crisis from Committee of the Regions’ Commission for natural resources, with focus on health, food production and disaster response, from and for the European regions. Powered by WPeMatico
How should students be admitted to higher education this year? Education is not preparation for life: education is life itself, John Dewey Powered by WPeMatico
Impact of Covid-19 on closure of education systems in Europe Check our three new comparative maps to see how Covid-19 pandemic is impacting European education systems. Maps cover Early Childhood Education and Care settings, Primary and Secondary Schools and Higher Education Institutions. Data comes from Eurydice National Units. Powered by WPeMatico