How should students be admitted to higher education this year?
How should students be admitted to higher education this year? Education is not preparation for life: education is life itself, John Dewey Powered by WPeMatico
Good news from around Europe
How should students be admitted to higher education this year? Education is not preparation for life: education is life itself, John Dewey Powered by WPeMatico
Impact of Covid-19 on closure of education systems in Europe Check our three new comparative maps to see how Covid-19 pandemic is impacting European education systems. Maps cover Early Childhood Education and Care settings, Primary and Secondary Schools and Higher Education Institutions. Data comes from Eurydice National Units. Powered by WPeMatico
Joint statement by the European Committee of the Regions’ Conference of Presidents As mayors, presidents of regions and local and regional councilors we are on the front-line in the fight against the Coronavirus. The unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 shock requires immediate measures and a bold social and economic recovery
The call for partners for the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities has just been closed – more than 600 applications received! The results of the evaluation and the list of partners will be unveiled on 19 May. The organisers would like to thank you all for the interest