Day: October 11, 2019

Events – EU Water Innovation Conference 2019 – 11-13 December 2019, Zaragoza, Spain

The theme of the EU Water Innovation Conference 2019 (EUWIC) is “Accelerating action to tackle water pollution and enhance EU preparedness to water-related climate change impacts” The European Commission aims to raise awareness about the need and urgency to improve water management across the European Union towards a water-smart society.

Research Headlines – World-first test to reduce post-surgery risks to brain health

Any surgical procedure can be risky, especially for older people. To minimise the dangers, EU-funded researchers have developed the world’s first personalised test to assess the risk of patients developing post-surgical sensory and cognitive disorders, allowing doctors to choose the safest treatment. Powered by WPeMatico

Russian Women and Seeing – Can it be That Hard?

The Russian women and dating is growing rapidly a little more complicated than many people think. It is because the Russian woman is extremely different from various other women. Because of this, the Russian woman and dating really are a bit more complicated than many persons think. To start with,