Day: October 5, 2019

Final meeting and conference of 3D-HELP project

On September 23, 2019, EuDA organized the final partner meeting of our 3D-HELP project. All partners (from Croatia, Lithuania, Romania and Malta) came to Prague to discuss the last steps of the project, its dissemination and sustainability. The next day, September 24, we organized a final conference not only for

2nd Partners Meeting in Poland – DESK

The DESK project partners have successfully concluded the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting in Pila, Poland. The meeting’s goals among others were the approval of the established State of the Art Review (O1) and also discuss the emerging Curriculum (O2). In addition, sample material of courseware that can be developed was

3D-Help project meeting in Lithuania

At the end of April, partners of the 3D-Help participated in a meeting, which took place in Kaunas, Lithuania. The main topic discussed was e-learning, which will help adult learners to get new infomration about 3D printing. All partners gave their feedbacks on the previous outputs and discussed possible improvements. We are

Events – ‘Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020’ brokerage event – 12-13 November 2019, Bratislava, Slovakia

This international information-day event will highlight research topics covered within the final 2020 calls for proposals in Societal Challenge 6 Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies of Horizon 2020. Participants will have the possibility to join in a matchmaking event dedicated to the topics of

Research Headlines – Cutting alcohol consumption in middle-income countries

WHO reports show that more than 3 million people died from alcohol-related illness in 2016, yet low-cost interventions to measure how much people drink can lead to major reductions in heavy consumption. The EU-funded SCALA project promises significant results by introducing some of these techniques in Latin America. Powered by

Research Headlines – Smart solutions to alleviate urban congestion

An EU-funded project involving collaboration between top intelligent transport researchers has resulted in new developments in smart urban transport, support for emergency response vehicles and apps for smoother passenger transport across cities. Powered by WPeMatico

Teachers’ and School Heads’ Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2017/18

Teachers’ and School Heads’ Salaries and Allowances in Europe 2017/18 5th October is World Teacher Day and Eurydice celebrates with a new report. Teachers are at the centre of education and salaries are an important element in making a profession attractive. In which country do teachers get the highest pay in