Month: September 2019

Digital Education at School in Europe

Digital Education at School in Europe Do European education systems prepare our young generations for today’s technology rich environments? How do they do that? Eurydice’s report on digital education at school in Europe, published today, reveals that a number of areas need policy attention. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Sustainable Food – A systems approach for EU Policy – 19 November 2019, Brussels, Belgium

At this event, we will examine the need for a systems approach to EU food policy including the tensions between agro-ecological approaches and advocates of ‘sustainable intensification’, the need for enhanced biodiversity and steady crop yields, new systems for environmental land management and public engagement in this process. Our wider

Events – ICSD 2020 : 8th International Conference on Sustainable Development – 9-10 September 2020, Rome, Italy

European Center of Sustainable Development in collaboration with Canadian Institute of Technology will organize the 8th ICSD 2020 International Conference on Sustainable Development, with particular focus on Environmental, Economic and Socio-Cultural Sustainability. The Conference theme : Creating a unified foundation for the Sustainable Development: Research, Practice and Education The 8th

Horizon Europe – Have your say on the next generation of ambitious research and innovation partnerships

How can the EU best support impactful, inclusive research and innovation partnerships with industry, Member States and other stakeholders? Now you can share your views on the 12 proposed institutionalised partnerships under Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027). Powered by WPeMatico

Events – “ENERGY in BUILDINGS” International Conference – 28 September 2019, Athens, Greece

“ENERGY in BUILDINGS” is an International Conference that will take place for the eighth consecutive year. It brings together Engineers, Architects, Stakeholders, Academia and Professionals of different disciplines that contribute and advance the state of art of the built environment. The Conference will host accepted papers and posters as well

Research Headlines – Linking business and climate services to create market growth

Currently, there is a large, untapped market for climate services with gaps in the demand and supply. An EU-funded project is providing insight into the climate service market – reducing barriers for business and encouraging European market growth. Powered by WPeMatico

What’s new for Early Childhood Education and Care?

Join the conference organised by the Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC)  to find out how the EU supports Member States to offer high quality early childhood education and care to all young children and families, from birth to primary school. Following the European Pillar of Social Rights,

Finding A great Marital relationship instant Making An ideal Relationship Together with Relationship Dating Sites

It is extremely difficult to get finest marital relationship internet dating sites in the world, nonetheless My spouse and i ensure an individual that there is some really good websites with regard to internet dating in the World Wide Web. The majority of the ladies and the guys by different