Day: September 27, 2019

Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation – Commission announces winners of the Horizon Impact Award 2019

The European Commission has announced the winners of the first Horizon Impact Award, a prize dedicated to EU-funded projects that have created societal impact across Europe and beyond. The winning projects have come up with a new drug for a rare disease, helped prevent child abuse, increased security of browsing

Research Headlines – How data demystifies sudden cardiac arrest

Researchers have long struggled to study sudden cardiac arrests that take place outside of hospitals. An ongoing EU-funded project is harmonising research from across Europe to bring clarity to this complex disease. Powered by WPeMatico

Scientific Advice Mechanism – How can science better support EU policymaking?

Scientific advice for policy is increasingly under attack, which is undermining trust in both science and policymaking. A new opinion from the European Commission’s Chief Scientific Advisors recommends a number of changes in scientific advisory processes, and proposes that these are formalised in a Code of Practice. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission experts support the development of 13 Bulgarian research and innovation centres

European – Press release Commission Brussels, 26 September 2019 Commission experts from the Joint Research Centre will provide support and guidance to 13 Bulgarian research and innovation centres to help them bring their innovative ideas to the market, facilitate the transfer and dissemination of knowledge and strengthen both their ties…