Day: September 4, 2019

Research Headlines – Taking deep-sea technology to new heights

Underwater sensing, robotics, communications – the scope for innovation in maritime technology is broad. An EU-funded project enabled research institute INESC TEC in Portugal to expand its capacity to devise new systems for marine environments, which could ultimately help to generate smart growth and jobs. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – Science Café with Luděk Hynčík – 3 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium

Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO) and its partners are pleased to announce that the fifteenth Science Café, an unconventional open discussion with scientist, will take place on 3 October 2019 in the Pilsen House in Brussels. Our guest will be Luděk Hynčík, the Vice-Rector for Research

Willing to get to know the MED communities face to face? Write these dates down!

The different Interreg MED communities are working on the final details of a wide variety of events for the two months ahead. Some projects are coming to an end and aim to share the results with you in their final conferences. Others are celebrating the benefits of transnational cooperation and

How to Attract Beautiful Cookware Women

Asian guys are now seeking out the beautiful Asian women who are definitely not afraid of take pleasure in, and who wish to be viewed like they are in their have homes. Many of these women aren’t shy and therefore are not enthusiastic about men. The majority of prefer beautiful