Month: August 2019

Research Headlines – Teaching technology to resolve conversational conflict

An EU-funded project has produced award-winning research on the way people naturally avoid arguments in conversation, with researchers hoping that better understanding could help social media platforms foster more positive discussions online. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – [webinar] From biomass to biobased products: #1 Choosing the right feedstock strategy – 26 September 2019, Online

Biomass availability is complex to estimate. It is necessary to assess which feedstock is available close by to avoid high transport costs. The feedstock must also have sufficient quality and specific characteristics to meet the technical requirements of the plant. The cost and sustainability of the chosen biomass are equally

Research Headlines – Rosetta data discoveries to guide future comet missions

EU-funded researchers have gleaned important insights into the composition, topography and activity of a comet, helping scientists prepare for the next close encounter with these icy, dusty remnants from the formation of the solar system. Powered by WPeMatico

How To Find A great Marital relationship instructions Learning to make A Perfect Marital life Having Marital relationship Internet dating sites

It is rather difficult to find ideal matrimony online dating sites on earth, nonetheless I actually provide you that we now have some really good web-sites intended for internet dating in the World Wide Web. A lot of the ladies and the guys from numerous locations get the world wide

Selection results: Social inclusion and common values – The contribution in the field of education and training

Selection results for the call Social inclusion and common values: the contribution in the field of education and training  Call EACEA/21/2018 have been published. Find the list of published results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Precision laser pulses to drive light-matter innovations

An EU-funded project has led cutting-edge research into how light interacts with matter, developing new technologies and techniques to push the boundaries of photonics and laser science. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Virus insights could lead to new flu treatments

An EU-funded project investigated how pathogenic viruses, including influenza A, take control of the protein synthesis machinery in human cells. This has provided valuable new knowledge, which paves the way for new flu treatments. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – The future of science advice in Europe – 13 November 2019, Helsinki

This one-day event on 13 November in Helsinki brings together leading practitioners and scholars to reflect on emerging trends, weak signals, and promising opportunities for developing next-generation science advice capabilities. Today’s world faces an increasingly complex and interconnected policy environment. This has prompted the EU and national governments to rethink

Events – KRAKEN Final conference – 25 September 2019, Zaragoza (Spain)

Participants will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the latest hybrid and Additive Manufacturing technology for big parts and the main achievements of the KRAKEN project.They will also be able to see the KRAKEN machine in action. The KRAKEN machine integrates both additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies and can

Research Headlines – A precise way to measure the building blocks of the universe

The results of an EU-funded project are aiding the search for evidence of as-yet undiscovered particles that shape our universe, thanks to a groundbreaking analysis of Higgs boson data that has led to new insights and instruments to precisely measure particle properties. Powered by WPeMatico