Day: August 7, 2019

Research Headlines – From brine to blue growth, using marine biotechnology

Powerful compounds, intriguing properties, underused potential… marine resources such as algae are already powering innovation in areas as varied as fuel production, bioremediation and medicine, and the journey of discovery continues. An EU-funded project set out to accelerate the process and help advance Europe’s bioeconomy. Powered by WPeMatico

Selection results: Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2019

Selection results for the call Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education 2019-EAC/A03/2018 have been published. Find the list of published results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

Commission provides 20 cities with funding for innovative security, digital, environmental and inclusion projects

European – Press release Commission Brussels, 6 August 2019   The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will finance 20 urban projects with €82 million. These projects were put forward by cities under the 4th call for proposals of the Urban Innovative Actions which is implemented by French region Hauts-de-France. Powered