Month: July 2019

Selection results: Sector Skills Alliances 2019 Call EAC A03/2018

Selection results for the call for proposals Sector Skills Alliances 2019 Call EAC A03/2018 have been published. Find the results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Science shops inspire better research and innovation

Poor communication can have dire consequences in vital areas like the environment and health. Innovative ‘science shop’ projects, which translate society’s questions into a language that scientists understand, are making a difference in remote Bolivian communities learning about Chagas disease, among Hepatitis C patients in Tunisia, and in projects closer

Research Headlines – EU-China cooperation ensures safe and secure food supply for all

By sharing advanced methodologies and practical solutions for growers, traders, food and feed manufacturers, and policy makers, the EU-funded MycoKey project is strengthening the partnership between China and the EU. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Gender equality in research aims to boost EU competitiveness

An EU-funded project is developing tools to improve gender balance in research institutions and higher education, helping to sustain female talent in research-based careers over the long term. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Hope for better cancer treatment in scientific ‘blind spot’

EU-funded researchers have discovered an important new mechanism by which cells flag and repair damage to their DNA – an unexpected finding that could improve the treatment of diseases such as cancer. Powered by WPeMatico

Selection results: International Coproduction Funds – Call EACEA 26/2018

Selection results for the call for proposals “International Coproduction Fund” (Call EACEA 26/2018) have been published. Find the results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

Why Every Woman Needs A Wedding Bouquet

The new bride definition may be a list of duties and tasks that a star of the event is supposed to fulfill when the bride to be. It is a standard document that features all the tasks, responsibilities and duties that are expected to be achieved during the wedding. The

Buying a Bride

Buying a new bride is a very large undertaking, and it is not just one that you should do alone. There are lots of tasks that need to be considered before making the next purchase; just like whether or not the star of the wedding is committed and if we