Day: July 16, 2019

Research Headlines – New cameras to make X-rays safer for patients

CT scans have revolutionised the fight against human illness by creating three-dimensional images of the body’s inner workings. Such scans, however, can deliver high doses of radiation. Now EU-funded researchers have built special cameras that limit radiation while delivering images vital for patient health. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Microorganisms to clean up environmental methane

Methane has a global warming impact 25 times higher than that of carbon dioxide and is the world’s second most emitted greenhouse gas. An EU-funded project is developing new strains of microorganisms that can transform methane into useful and bio-friendly materials. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – New animal vaccines aim to save livestock and protect humans

Novel livestock vaccines developed by EU-funded researchers could improve animal welfare, save money, reduce the need for environment-damaging chemicals, and tackle alarming levels of antimicrobial resistance. Powered by WPeMatico

Help us to understand how the landscape of youth representation in Europe is changing

Are you a youth NGO or network operating in Europe? Would you help us to understand how the European landscape of youth representation is changing? Launched today, an ambitious new survey aims to explore the role of NGOs and networks in supporting youth participation in democratic life in the EU.