Day: July 9, 2019

Research Headlines – Closing the loop in a circular plastics economy

Electrical and electronic equipment is a growing source of waste in Europe and is difficult to recycle. Now EU-funded researchers have found a cheaper way to sort and reuse such waste. Their results could help close the loop in a circular plastics economy and power a more sustainable European future.

Research Headlines – Greater biodiversity means new, improved food culture

The introduction of intensive farming has increased productivity but has also led to crop standardisation and a dangerous loss of biodiversity. EU-funded research is looking at ways to reverse this process and ensure future food quality and sustaina-bility. Powered by WPeMatico

Events – 100% Renewable Heating & Cooling for a Sustainable Future – 28 October 2019, Helsinki, Finland

Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti The European Technology & Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling (RHC ETIP) organises the event 100% RHC for a Sustainable Future, the opportunity for RHC experts to learn, network and present their RHC innovative projects. Why joining? The RHC ETIP gathers industry representatives, researchers and