Month: July 2019

Horizon Europe – Commission announces top experts to shape Horizon Europe missions

Today, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas announced the names of the experts who have been selected as members* of the mission boards to work on five major European research and innovation missions. The missions will be part of Horizon Europe, the next EU research and innovation programme

Research Headlines – Putting smartphones at the centre of online security

An EU-funded project has launched a smartphone-centric authentication platform securely connecting all online accounts with a user’s identity, putting an end to having to remember myriad PINs and passwords. This could help protect against hacking and boost confidence in online commerce amid privacy concerns. Powered by WPeMatico

Research Headlines – Phages, a bacteria killer with a twis…

Putting a fresh spin on the proverb ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, EU-funded researchers have developed and tested an innovative treatment for infections caused by antimicrobial-resistant bacteria, which have developed into a major public health threat. This new weapon is a cocktail of bacteria-killing viruses called ‘phages’.

Events – ANYWHERE Final Conference – 29-30 October 2019, Brussels, Belgium

The EU-funded ANYWHERE project aims to enable PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) institutions as well as society as a whole to enhance their responsiveness in front of extreme weather-induced events and to better cope with the high social, environmental and economic impacts related. The project works are being held

Research Headlines – A pan-European approach to research on radioactive waste management

The European Commission is supporting a new European Joint research Programme on radioactive waste management, building on the far-reaching results of an EU-funded project that explored how best to pool resources, expertise and research and development efforts for the safe, efficient and secure treatment and storage of radioactive waste. Powered

Research Headlines – Should central bankers fight inflation or go for growth?

Since 1998, the European Central Bank’s priority has been to maintain price stability in the euro area. However, EU-funded researchers have proposed that central bankers should place more emphasis on boosting the economy in difficult times. The project’s recommendations could feed into policies for a more prosperous Europe. Powered by

Selection results: Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances 2019

Selection results for the call for proposals Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliances EAC/A03/2018 have been published. Find the results on the selection results page here. Powered by WPeMatico

Sustainable mobility in MED tourist destinations

What are the hindrances and the opportunities for a sustainable tourism mobility in the Mediterranean area? What are the lessons learnt and the concrete results achieved by the Locations project for the promotion of sustainable mobility linked to cruise tourism? We look forward to seeing you in Málaga on 19th

Events – Spiking neural networks: Applications to computing, algorithmics, and robotics – 18 September 2019, Munich, Germany

Spiking neural networks (SNN) are a special class of artificial neural networks (ANN), in which the information is transmitted by means of pulses (or spikes) rather than by firing rates. As SNNs have shown to be excellent control systems for biological organisms, they have the potential to produce good control

Events – Save the date for the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum – 6-7 February 2020, Brussels, Belgium

Join us to witness what policymakers, stakeholders from many Atlantic coastal countries and beyond, and our many EU funded projects have achieved since we navigated together on our Atlantic Journey in 2013 with the signing of the Galway Statement and the signing of Belém Statement in 2017. The All-Atlantic Ocean